Chapter 17: Unexpected Meeting

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Draft 4

The rest of the morning seemed like a blur after that. What was really odd was the fact that I felt very calm after everything. Trisha took me to her room after digging out some of my clothes from the destroyed dresser. She took my blanket and folded it nicely. She said it could stay safely in her room since I had grown oddly attached to it. She decided it would be 'fun' to go for a walk around town to clear my head a bit. I just shot her a look.

"C'mon, it will be nice. The weather outside is just right." She encouraged.

"Every time I step outside something bad happens." I reminded her. Her face crinkled sarcastically.

"Seems you can't even sleep in your own bed either." She shot back. Was it not too soon to be cracking wise about that? "A walk around a few blocks won't kill you. Besides, I will be with you the whole time." She did have a point. If she was there, then I would be less likely to be attacked. I hoped.

She was not wrong about the weather; it was nice a warm. The sun was out, and the town was buzzing with life. It was refreshing to be out in the town again. I remember the last time I was out of the compound was to run errands for Odin and his family. It reminded me of a simpler time. The days were all I did was work for the pack. Running into town to grocery shop or the occasional lunch run. Sometimes when I was not needed or forgotten I would sneak into town for some alone time. A small part of me missed the times where I would be left alone. It seemed like everything changed overnight for me. Every time we walked by one of the familiar spots, I could not help myself with telling Trisha stories of my many trips into town. She seemed amused in the least. Im sure she was just trying to be nice to me. We passed by the local diner and Trisha suggested we get some lunch there. When she made the offer, I was a bit surprised. No one willingly ate lunch with me, let alone offered to go to a sit-down eatery. The moment we stepped inside I felt such welcoming energy.

"Mavis! We haven't seen you in a while!" An older gentleman called from behind the register. I smiled as I recognized the old diner owner, Mr. Stan. He was busy ringing up customers, so I kept my response short.

"Good to see you." I smiled and waved. Trisha, on the other hand seemed out of her element. I guided the both of us to an empty booth, lucky my favorite one was open.

"You know him?" She asked cracking a smile of surprise. I shyly nodded.

"Yeah. I used to have dinner here every Friday night." I stated as I grabbed the menu and looked over it fondly. There was not an item on that menu I haven't tried.

"Friday nights? We have our pack dinners on Friday nights." Trisha questioned.

"Yes, I know." I never looked up from the menu. "I usually ended up cooking for it."

"Why would you come here then?" She started to look at the menu herself. Why would I come here? That's a loaded question. It seemed like no one wanted me there after I finished cooking, so I just vanished. For the first year or so I just went home. Eventually I could not stand to be there alone. I started roaming the town at night. Soon, I had found the diner and started to go to have a coffee, or a snack. Eventually it became routine. I hadn't been there for a few weeks in preparation for Odin's takeover. Looking down at the menu I realized I had not been to a pack dinner since I was 13.

"It's got good food." I replied just as the very nice waitress named Vanessa came to the table.

"It's been a while sweet pea!" She sparkled as she spoke. "And you got company this time!" She sound thrilled when she looked at Trisha.

"Yeah." I smiled. She had always been very sweet to me. Sure, she might have been doing it for tips, but I would take it where it was given to me. "It's been a while since I had some of the best coffee in town."

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