A Whole Lot Of Classrooms (& Dialogue)

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   One last collapse of rhythm and the piece ended with the ring drying out. If their postures were speaking the truth, everyone was exhausted after playing or at least physically tired. A few knuckles cracked as everything returned to the normal chaotic state of the usual band room.

   All of the other students, but five had left. Daryan was off to the side shaking his hand out, possibly from a muscle spasm. That theory seemed to be confirmed to Klavier by the quiet swears of pain radiating off of him. Luckily their teacher was too preoccupied by Adagio to notice the profanity.

   "Daryan, you alright?" Klavier whispered over to the injured shark boy.

   "Do I look alright?!" he snapped. "Ow, fuck. My hand. Fuck," Daryan continued on swearing even more after that.

   Well, there wasn't much left to do, but go home at this point. Jazz band had gone perfectly fine so there shouldn't be anything Klavier had left to do.

   "Mr. Gavin."

   Guess he stood corrected. "Ja?" He heard a facepalm next to him followed by some more swearing.

   Mr. LeTouse walked over. "Your law teacher sent me an email regarding you needing to see her about something."

   "Huh? Oh yeah the paper. Danke, professor," Klavier responded with a quick nod before fleeing the room. He didn't want to hear Daryan getting told off for swearing in front of LeTouse... again. It was hectic enough after the last time.

   He took off for Courte's classroom. Ignoring the person calling for him, he hurried over to the desk where Courte was sitting. "Frau Courte, you found out more about it?" His teacher nodded, pulling out a sheet of paper.

   "I talked to Ms. DePlume about it during my break. She said it was likely someone in her assistant's photography club and not her class. If you want to talk to them about it, they'll be downstairs having a meeting today. I'm sure you could find the culprit behind the photo," Courte assured Klavier, handing him a copy of the paper.

   Klavier tilted his head, his loose hair gathering to where his drill usually rested. "What's this for?"

   She shrugged. "You might need some evidence to help you out. Perhaps a helper too." Professor Courte returned to looking through some things on her computer.

   "Danke," Klavier nodded.

   "Klavier?" He heard a somewhat quiet voice from the doorway behind him. Keyword being "somewhat". Klavier twisted around to see them.


   "Hey. Courte mentioned you were coming for something and might need help?" That was a bit surprising.

   Klavier shrugged. "I don't know how much help I need to talk to a few people, but I do appreciate the moral support," he said, leaning over with a smile. He noticed the other back up slightly to cross his arms.

   "Well, we going or what? I don't think Clay's patience will last very long."

   That was new. "Your... best friend right?... is picking you up today?"

   He received a sigh in response. "He insisted that he had to. Apparently I haven't talked to him enough during his mandatory break he doesn't want to be on. Even though he called. Multiple times. During school."

   "Ah, I see." They continued their conversation as they headed down to the art room to confront Ms. Hart and her troublemakers. Eventually they got on the topic of what happened at lunch earlier. "So, Herr Forehead...?"

   Apollo was staring at his phone and typing something. "Yeah, Klav?" He shoved the phone in his pocket.

   "What was earlier about...? I'm sorry! It just seemed very out of character for you, ja?" Klavier muttered out, immediately going to fiddle with his ring. It gave his hands something to do when he was nervous, and he was sure as hell nervous in the moment. For all he knew, Apollo might hate him for it.

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