1| Long Lost

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"I'll get it!" I exclaimed as I ran to the front door.

Sean and I had just moved into our new place—and I was excited. The bad stuff was behind us and we were finally moving forward. It took a little convincing with Agent Caffrey, but he finally agreed to let us move even though Sean was still on house arrest. But we were one third of the way there. Yep, two more months and he would be free.

I opened the front door and help it open for my mom and Michael. They came in carrying a few more of my boxes from the Uhaul parked out front.

"Where do you want these?" my brother asked.

"Anywhere is fine. Thank you!"

My mom came to stand next to me and I handed her a bottle of water. "I cant believe we're almost done moving you in. How does it feel?"

After my father died, we had him cremated and sent back to Seattle. Ever since then, I just took it one day at a time. It wasn't all going to get better overnight, but it was a start. Besides, having Michael and my mom living in the same state as me was a bonus I wasn't going to waste.

"It feels good," I said to her with a smile. "It feels right."

There was another knock at the door and I frowned. "Who is that?"

"Beats me," my mom quipped. "This is your place."

When I opened the door this time, I was even more confused. "Mr. McDaniels? This is a surprise." I took a step back and pulled the door open wider. "Please come in."

"I'm sorry to pop in on you like this," he said apologetically. "But it was urgent that I see you."

I heard footsteps behind me and I didn't need to turn around to know it was Sean.

"Jim, to what do we owe this surprise?"

Jim shook Sean's outstretched hand before he smiled at both of us. "I know you have a lot going on since—well...since I saw you last. But I come with news." He pulled an envelope out of his briefcase and handed it to me. "We won your case, Ms. Preston. The case against your landlord. We were able to settle, so there was no need for a trial."

I opened the envelope and pulled out a check. "Ohmygod." I looked at Jim with eyes as wide as golf balls. "$75,000?"

Jim gave me a satisfied nod. "Yes, ma'am."

"We did it!" I squealed as I jumped into Sean's arms.

"No, baby, you did it," he said quietly as he held me close.

When Sean let me go I started rambling like an idiot. "We can find a studio for me to paint. Finally! I can't wait to start looking. When can we go?"

Sean pointed to the ankle monitor on his foot.

"Right. Well, after you get that off, of course." I turned back to Jim. "How much do I owe you?"

He held up his hand. "My fee has already been subtracted from that. There's a receipt being sent to Anne. That money is all yours, Ms. Preston."

My eyes started to water again. "Well, fuck nuggets. Can I hug you?"

Jim seemed put off by my question, but he opened his arms anyway.

"Thank you, for everything."

"You're welcome, Ms. Preston."

Just as Jim started to leave, there was another knock at the door. I looked to Sean and he shrugged.

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