All hail coffee

395 29 4

Four female ghost busters? 

The feminists are taking over!

I'm and adult virgin 

BTW i hope yall remember Fukurodani's managers :)


Pacing back and forth, Zion bit his fingernails. A bad habit he couldn't seem to get rid of. 

'Shit shit shit shit. He couldn't just ask for a blow job, swear me to secrecy, and let me go?'

Zion paused, 'Well, I guess he could've been straight..'

Running a hand through his hair, Zion went through his options. 

Of course, he could simply comply and do what they want and become a slave essentially, but that wouldn't be very fun. Or, like, humane. 

Zion had already escaped a mafia once before, he could do it again. 

Making a cup of coffee, Zion sat down at his small table with a notebook and a pen. He have to write down a plan, and come up with a good lie just in case he was caught. Which had a extremely high possibility, but we don't talk about that. 


Drinking the last of his coffee, Zion sighed for what felt the millionth time. 

It was a plan thrown together in a single night, fueled only by coffee and the desire not to become a modern day slave, with so holes in the plan that put fanfic plot holes to shame. 

Cleaning out his sniper rifle (that he was ecstatic to get back) Zion got ready to go put the poor soul who pissed off Kuroo out of their misery. 

Rolling his shoulders, Zion wore proper gear as well as remembering to bring extra just in case things went south. He probably could have avoided this whole mess with the mafia had he just not gotten cocky.

And by cocky, I mean going under prepared and sparing eye-witnesses, not having a proper escape route planned out, not even wearing the right gear. He acted like a armature. 

While he was planning his escape plan last night (twenty minutes ago) Zion did what you're normally supposed to do, and researched his target, the area, who they were and whatnot. Y'know, like a good hitman. 

Whoever this 'Daishou' was, they were a complete douchebag. He was involved in so many scandal's and was notorious for ripping people off. He was labeled 'The Cheater'. Was always taking advantage of newbies, which is was seemed to happen to Nekoma and Fukurodani. 

Finishing packing his duffle bag, Zion grabbed his keys from a small clay bowl. 

He'd gotten the clay bowl back from when he was a travel hitman, it was from India. Great view, and even greater food. 

Twiddling with the keys, Zion was having second thoughts and an even harder time shaking them.   

His plan could go wrong in so many ways, he wasn't exactly good at strategy. Killing people from the shadows was his only talent, which is why it was his job. 

Swallowing his fear, Zion started up his motorcycle and speed off. 

He would've preferred to be swallowing Kuroo. 

Ok, so this might take a day or two longer then Zion realized. 

He completely forgot to incorporate the time it takes to scout, as he wasn't provided the usual information for the target. (ex. where they spend most of their time, their type of business, how dangerous they are, ect) 

Zion was fortunately able to find out some basic information, so now all he has to do is put together some form of schedule Daishou has. 

So that's what Zion is doing. Sitting there. Monitoring Daishou's every move. For who knows how long. 

He sighed, 'I always hate this part..'


Kinda forgot to update, had midterms lol

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