the new student

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I had just finished looking at my now I'm ready to be in a real school

'Wow this uniform is Soo cute,this kinda reminds me of one manga but I kinda forgot what it is..meh..I hope dad isn't too stressed of me gone for a a while' I smiled to myself making my way to my class


Back in the man cave

"omg..Y/N,I hope your fine honey..don't worry daddy is going to find you,I will save you honey just hang in there.." ray says as he going back and forth

"Hey guys I heard what happened"Charlotte(I hope I said her name right-) then said as she came out of the elevator

"Is Y/N really gone!?" She asked ray

"Yea..and she must so scared right now,now that she's in another dimension,shes probably screaming to death..and OMG HUNNY PLEASE BE SAVE!!"ray then said as he looked up

"Ray calm down,Y/N is a strong person,she has been training while you where gone and she's getting good at it"schowz said as he patted rays back

"Yea she's probably in a world that has sweets Candy's or maybe a Boba land"Henry said

"Or..she's in a terrifying world where monster can eat her Alive anytime!?"ray says looking at Henry

"Or that.."


As you finally mad your way to your class after getting up alot of stairs

You opened the door and was breathing heavily

"Man that was way worse then going down to the man cave with stairs..dont you guys have an elevator or something?.."you asked as you made your way Infront of the class

"Student,we have a new student today, introduce yourself.. answer their questions and whatever"mr.aizawa said as he zipped a yellow sleeping bag

"Ok..well hi,my name is Y/N Manchester,the daughter of a hero name captain man in a city called swellview" you said to the class

"This is actually my first time in school by the way,my dad homed schooled me ever since my mom died,wait why did I say home schooled I should say man schooled since I lived in a man cave Under ground"you said to yourself making the class hear enough

"Wait you lived in a man cave,that's so mainly!"a boy with red hair said

"Heh thanks but it's not that cool, beside's i never really go outside often,I just stay inside while my dad fight weird bad guys"you said,I mean the bad guys that dad fought are really wierd I'm not gonna lie

"Y/N may I ask,what is your quirk?"a boy with glasses asked

"Oh well,Im indestructible so that mean whenever someone tries to shoot or jump of a 5 story building,I won't be dead,and I mostly think I have another super power because of my mark.."you said

"Tch, another extra just what I needed"a blonde boy said

"Kacchan that wasn't very nice.."a green boy behind him said

"SHUT UP DEKU I DONT CARE" they boy yelled

"Hmm,hey guys wanna see something wierd,and it's happen's all the time and I don't even have a super power of it"you said to the class making them looking at your direction

"Well,I sure hope the toddler won't came to this dimension,and said "well well well if it it's captain man's daughter"" you said jokingly making the whole class confused

Then a portal pop out and the toddler came out if it

"Well well well if it isn't captain man's daughte.."the toddler said as he walked up to you

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?" The blonde boy asked as tiny explosion's came up from his hand

"Toddler get back to your crib and take a nap,I don't have time for this,I wish I didn't even said that"you said as you face palm

"And what are you going to do?"the toddler said as you looked down to him

"This"you took our a laser( the one's they usually used for to makes people faint lol ) and shoot the the toddler head,he then falls down to your feet

"Well that was wear do I sit?" You asked the class

"H-how he dead!?" A brown girl haird girl asked

"Nah he just fainted,now where do I sit?"


Well hoped you enjoyed :3

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