The Reaping

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Nem's POV
  "Annie Cresta!" I hear called out. Finnick looks like he may pass out, and I really want to help but I feel frozen. "Annie? Come on now."
   "I volunteer," I say, and Finnick gives me a grateful look. Annie bursts into tears, and I turn to hug her. "Don't worry, I won't let you go in there again. Never again."
     "And now for the men. Finnick Odair!" I turn to see Finn give the crowd a smile and a wave, but it all looks forced. Even though we are supposed to shake hands, we hug. What does the Capital expect? We've known each other for an eternity.
    "Thank you so so much," Finnick says into my ear.
   "Oh I almost forgot to introduce our volunteer. Anemone Larsson!" I give the crowd a wave with a smile, before they all go wild.
    So, basically, no one knows that Finnick is in love with Annie. The Capital decided to, after my Games, make it look like Finnick and I are in love. I play along because Annie hates the spotlight. In all honesty I do love Finn, as a brother.
     "The odds are never in our favor, huh?" I whisper, as we are led inside.
    "Guess not," Finnick says as he and I are led to separate rooms. The first person to come see me is Mags Flanagan, the woman who practically raised Finnick and I.
     "Hi, Mags. Thank you, for everything you did for Finn and I. Hopefully, one of us will make it back to you." I pull the eighty year old woman into a hug, blinking back tears.
    Mags pulls back, her tears falling down her cheeks, as she pulls something from her neck. A golden circle locket, with a four inscribed in it. Her special item.
   "Oh, no, Mags, I can't. This is yours please don't," I say tearfully. Mags nods, closing my hands around the locket, and covering them with hers.
   I'm my year, two years ago, I lost my trident pin that I always kept on my wrist. In the bloodbath, it fell off. I was upset, and Mags knew it.
   "Mags..." I pull her back into a hug, my tears dropping into her hair.
  "Love," Mags said pointing to me. She can say very few words, and most of her sentences are warbled. But I know what she means.
    "I love you too, Mags." I say, putting the locket on my neck. When I open it, I feel more tears run down my face. Finn was about five, I was around four. Mags was trying to teach us how to string a fish hook with feathers.
    "Knock knock?" A voice comes from behind Mags. My youngest sister, Alexandria, was in the doorway.
   "Alex!" I say walking over, quite literally yanking her into a hug. "Hey, Ali, look at me. Don't cry, okay, it's okay."
    "Why would you do that?! That was so incredibly stupid, Nem!" My younger sister just barged in.
   "Leave me alone, you know how Annie is, mentally stable wise." I pull Spear into a hug with Alex and I.
  "I know and you are so brave. I love you, Anemone," Spear says.
   "I love ya too, S. Tell mom I love her, if she even remembers me." Ever since I was extremely young, I've spent most of my time with Mags and a Finnick, instead of my family. I was the oldest, and that meant my parents never understood me.
    Spear was middle child, and Ali is is the youngest. Alex won't be eligible for the Reaping until next year, and Spear is lucky only Victors were reaped. She's fourteen, so her name is in quite a few times.
"Okay, Larsson, time to go," A peacekeeper was in the doorway this time.
"Mags, keep Annie and the girls safe. I love you all," I say pulling them into an awkward group hug, kissing each of their heads.
"Try to win, Nem," Ali says. I nod and the peacekeeper escorts me out. Finnick and meet right before we get on the train, and we both embrace one another.
   "She came to tell me goodbye. And stayed the whole time, that's why she didn't come see you. She said she loves us, to keep up the act, and she's going to miss us," Finn says softly into my hair as we hug.
"Okay, we keep up the romance act," I say, and the train starts.
Out the back window, I see half of Four waving goodbye. Unfortunately, this time, I won't be going back...

Hey so first chapter done and done! This time it's going to be an actual book, instead of one shots, so... thanks for reading I guess.

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