The Chariots

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Finnick's POV
    "Okay, Anemone, don't kill me, but you look like you walked out of a diamond shop in One," I say, biting my lip as she tries to adjust her hair.
"Oh, go eat a sugar cube, and cover your nipples!" She says as Axel finally comes over and helps her pin the last of dozens of tiny fishtail braid things into the bun on her head.
    "What, it looks lovely!" Armani says, fixing the necklace around my neck.
    "No seriously, Finnick, go flirt with some unsuspecting victim, I can't handle any more than our time in the Center with you," Nem says and I roll my eyes.
   "You love me," I say.
  "Keep dreaming. I love the horses more than you," Nem spits back. It's a love hate relationship, really. We're fine usually, but I said something before we got out here that set her off. I told her she looked like a mermaid.
   "Impossible, everyone loves me," I say, and give her a small wink.
"If you don't shut up, the people will no longer have you to love," Anemone says, but I know we're back to our usual joking manner.
"Ma'am, I taught you everything you know. There is no you without me," I say, waving my finger at her.
"So, I only know how to play a guitar? I'm not that dense!" Nem laughs. Okay yes I did teach her to play the guitar, but she asked me to.
I give her head a quick pat, before grabbing a sugar cube, and giving her wink. She flips me off, and I smile, as I make my way over to Katniss.
"Katniss!" I chirp, and she turns to face me.
"Finnick," she says, in a bored tone, and we have a worthless conversation about secrets.
"Well, I'll see you whenever," I say, glancing back at Nem.
"Oh my God, I love her outfit!" Katniss says, catching sight of Anemone.
"That makes one of us. Peeta," I nod to the boy as he passed me.
"Finnick," He replies. I return to Nem, who is giving one of the horses a sugar cube. I learned the names of them in my Games, yet they remain a mystery to Anemone.
   "He looks like a Trident," I say, petting the horse that is actually named Trident.
  "You know the actual names. Its not fair," Nem whines, patting her horse, Tide. I give her a small smirk, petting Trident.
Anemone has always loved animals, except for fish, and she literally lives in the fishing District.
"Well, the odds are never in your favor, are they?" I smirk.
     "No, no they aren't." Nem gives me a small smile, and we climb onto our chariot. We don't hold hands, that's Twelve's job, but we stand with our shoulders touching.
    We rode through the Capital, and the crowd goes wild. Like insane. And of course, guess who was on fire, literally? Yep, Twelve. I was right, Katniss and Peeta look absolutely horrifying.
    "I want that outfit so bad," Nem mutters, and I laugh slightly. "What, even you admitted last year that being set on fire seems like fun."
   "Shut up and wave," I say, nudging her slightly. She pinched my arm, leaving a mark. The crowd is either pointing to Twelve or us. Two sets of star crossed lovers.
God I hate the Capital for making it look like Nem and I are in love. At least Peeta an Katniss had the choice to start that act.
"Oh look, there's Flickman," Nem says nodding to the screen above us. I smile, pushing her to the side slightly. She catches on, laying her hand on my arm.
"Ah, young love," I whisper, and Anemone giggles. The Capital is going to have a ball with this.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2020 ⏰

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