Chapter 3: I Meet My Dad

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Well, I'm a Minor god and i found out i have step-brothers and sisters. Nyx said i have to meet them. She also said i have to meet my dad, Apollo. She says he is "cool" in his own way so i dont know how he will act.

"Child, do you have anymore questions before your father arrives?" "Yes, um, i wanted to know if i could go to, um, if i could go to ca-" I was about to finish my sentence when someone yelled, "Let me in! You stupid servants! I want to see Ignis! Ignis! Its your father!" "Mother? What's going on?" "My servants don't know he was coming. I shall open the doors. Do you really want to see him?" Nyx asked. "Yes i do, pl- when all of a sudden i heard a voice say," Ignis, tell your mother to open the doors. Its Apollo, your father." "...Nis, Ign..., Ignis, wake up." I heard my mothers voice fade in and out. "What? What happened?" "You fainted." "Mother. I need you to open the door now." "What? Oh. Yes, of course." "When the doors opened i saw a tall man that looked about twenty five years old. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. Wow, this is my father. "Ignis. Thank you." Apollo pulled me up and hugged me so tight i almost fainted again. "My little Nis is back. I missed you so much." "Um. Hi Apollo." "Don't call me Apollo, call me Dad." "Um, yeah, okay sure." I felt awkward. Finally mother broke the silence and said, "Apollo let Ignis go. She needs to breathe." "Nah, she's good. She needs a little love from her dad. Besides, you're just jealous that i'm a better parent." "Pfft. Your no match for me." Then my parents started arguing about who's a better parent until i yelled, "You guys! Stop it! This is the first time i see my parents together and this is how you act? With you guys acting like this i don't know what to think about you! GEEZ." "You're right. I'm sorry Ignis." said Nyx. "Yeah, sorry Nis." said Apollo. Nyx said,"Okay, Ignis, go on, ask your father questions." "Why are you and mother separated? Why are you here? Why do you care now? Are you rea-" Then apollo said,"Hold on a minute, i'm getting a call." I can feel my face heating up. My mother had a worried look on her face. I think she's seen me do this before. "FINE! Forget about me and go to your fu- freaking phone! You don't care about me! I don't give a flying flip about you either! You were never there for me so why would i care for you! Ugh! I don't- ahhh!" I fell on my knees and screamed really loud. I had a headache that was very painful. I saw my mother yelling at my dad and crushing his phone. She was turning black in a way. He looked at her in horror until she pointed at me. He gasped and started panicking. I saw my hands were on fire. I WAS on fire. Everything got blurry. I started getting dizzy. I screamed one last time before i calmed down. My hands were back to normal. My clothes were all burned up. This was i moment i will never forget. I stood up, both of my parents had shocked looks on their faces. I walked out of the room and asked a terrified servant were my room was. She pointed left and said three doors on the right. I went to my room and slammed the door. I had to get out of here. I looked in the closet for clothes but they were all dresses. I don't like dresses. I heard a voice say just imagine what you want to wear and it will appear in the closet. I decided to try it and it worked. I imagined some high waist black shorts, a Pierce the Veil crop top, a black cardigan, and black converse that were above the knee and put them on. I went outside and heard my parents screaming at each other. I quietly tried to find the exit. I finally came upon two double doors. I opened them and found myself outside a huge castle. Wow, this is place is huge. I walked to a blue light at the beach of the castle. Once i got there i saw something unbelievable. A dragon! I walked up to it and said,"Hello, my name is Ignis and i was wondering if i could ask you something." "Ignis." He had kind of a deep voice. "Nis? Nis is that you?" Wait. I remember that voice. Its Ampad, guardian of the portal! "Ampad?! Ampad! I missed you so much! "Oh Nis! You have no idea how lonely i felt without you here!" Ampad picked be upon his head and spread his wings."Ampad? What are you doing!?" "I'm taking you to Camp Half Blood, Nis." "What whyyaaaaa!" He lifted off before i could finish my sentence. I was on my way to see my friends.

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