A Marriage with a Base of Lies

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Oh my what am I to do without Sumayah. She's not working for us anymore and I can't possibly do all this work by myself. I guess I should just start.

I need to make something great for Zaryab so I can ask him to get me a bank account or at least some cash. Of course I won't tell him what I'm using it for...or rather...who I'm giving it to....

I roll into the kitchen and look through the massive fridge and cupboards. I guess I will make a lot of foods. Eggs, fruit salad, pancakes, waffles, toast, turkey bacon, coffee, and tea. Well that's what I thought of making.

Instead I make pancakes, scrambled eggs, turkey bacon and a little coffee. (Mmm turkey bacon) It's small but I still am tired after making it.

Zaryab get up, omg. I sit waiting at the table. Finally after a while he walks down the stairs groggily.

"Zaryab I made breakfast!" I exclaim and I give him my biggest smile.

He walks down pulls out a chair across from me and piles his plate full of food without saying a word.

"Okay, I think we should talk about something!" I say as he dives into his meal.

"Did you eat?" He asks.

"Umm, yes. Okay, I want to set up a joint account so we can share the money or you should give some cash. I would like to go out today."

"You have enough work to do at home you shouldn't go out." he says and takes a sip of his coffee watching me the whole time.

"Well umm, we need groceries."

"I think we can suffice another day."

"I wanted to make an extra special meal."

"In my study, there is a drawer on the left side of my desk. If you need cash go into it. Here." he says and places a key between us.

"Thank you." I say as I take the key and leave.

Ahh here it is. Okay turn the key to the left and woah that's a lot of cash. I feel like I'm stealing. He should get a bank account. Maybe he doesn't trust people.

I take a stack of twenties and grab an envelope. I put in Sumayahs regular pay check and an extra 20$ just to try and help her. I can't take that much or else he will notice.

"Zaryab I'm going out!" I say and roll towards the exit.

"Bye." he says and he looks at me.

"Yep." I take the card out of my purse and look at the address at the front door. I put it back into my purse and wheel myself out the door and into the car.


Zaryabs POV

As soon as I walk into the kitchen I know something is up. Aleena is sitting there with a huge smile on her face, the table is set for one and there are many dishes of food on the table. I pretend to play it cool instead of asking her what she wants. Sumayah back? No I can't give that to her...she knows too much...

F*** I bet she knows about it. No she can't no, Sumayah wouldn't tell her.

Aleena starts to talk to me as I eat. Ahh so she wants money? Why do you want money Aleena?! Instead of saying this I give her the key I made and tell her where to get some. She immediately leaves probably to get the money.

I know it's not actually for groceries, I went out yesterday and the fridge is full. I will figure out what you know Aleena.


Aleena's POV

I roll myself out onto the cafe ramp. Thank goodness they have a ramp. I see Sumayah sitting by a window seat and I roll myself to her.

"Hello." She says as I approach the table. She looks nervous.

"Hey Sumayah. Thanks for letting me meet you here."

"Mmhmm." she replies. She picks up a menu and covers her face with it.

"What would you two girls like." a waitress asks as she fills our water glasses.

We order and I look at Sumayah.

"I brought your pay check and I put in a little extra money. It's not a lot because I was afraid Zaryab would notice but I hope it helps." I hand her the envelope and she takes it with a small smile.

"Thank you so much ma'am."

"I'm not ma'am anymore, I'm Aleena." I smile.


"Do you think you could tell me what you know Sumayah."

"Of course." She says and fidgets with her niqab.

I lean back in the chair expecting the worse.

Suddenly my phone rings.

"Sorry Sumayah I'm going to answer this."

"That's fine."

I click my phone open, "hello, this is Aleena."



"You said, umm, coffee sometime. Could we do it soon, I really need to talk to someone."

"Of course, tomorrow?" I ask.

"Thank you so much, could you come over to my house at 12?"

"Yep, sounds good."

"Okay see you then!" I say

"Thank you so much." He replies but he sounds lost.

"Bye." I say and hang up.

"Okay sorry Sumayah."

"Is everything okay?" She asks worriedly.

"Oh ya, I'm sure it's fine."

"Here you go girls." the waitress says and gives us our food.

"Thank you!" I say and dig in.

"Well this may come as a shock to you..." Sumayah starts.


Zaryabs POV

That. little. whore.

When I was leaving for work I saw a business card on the ground for 'Le Petite Cafe.' She must have dropped it. Why is she going there.

She went to a cafe and she's meeting someone there I know it. Male I bet. We're not even a week into our marriage and she's cheating on me! Cheating!

Oh she's going to pay. I hope she doesn't mind if I ruin her little date.

I grab my jacket and get into my car. She took the other one with the GPS system built in. Obviously this is their first time meeting. Or maybe just their first time meeting at this place.

I quickly drive to the cafe earning a lot of honks and one damn ticket. I pull into the parking lot and I see Sumayah and Aleena sitting at a window seat. Aleena hands her an envelope. So she's giving Sumayah money now?

Sumayah smiles at Aleena and then Aleena leans back in here wheelchair. Her phone rings and she talks a little while on it. Then a waitress brings food to their table and Aleena digs in as Sumayah starts to talk.

Oh my f***ing God. She's telling her. Suddenly Aleena stops eating and she starts to tear up. So Sumayah told her then. She will pay. They will all pay.

Aleena drops some money on the table and rolls away. Sumayah stands up to stop her but Aleena brushes her off. She rolls to her car and drives away. I need to get out of here. She knows. She knows about me. They both do, they could ruin me. They could ruin everything.

(Sorry for any swearing done by Zaryab it should change.)

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