Chapter 19

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Ski's POV;
I woke up around 7 am this morning to get ready for my flight that leaves at 9:30 am. Luke said I needed to call him when I was ready. My mom just left. She looked happy to be able to go on such a wonderful trip to the Bahamas. I took a shower and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I looked for an outfit while in my towel. I jumped at the sound of banging on my window. I slowly peeked out the blinds to see luke. I opened the window and he slipped in. "I said I'll call you" I said. "I know but you're taking forever." Luke said. "I shook my head in shame. Luke plopped down on my bed. "I have a question?" I said. I pulled out two tops. Luke looked at me. "Which one the pink crop top or the blue one with gold design." I asked. "Come on. You should know which one I'll choose" luke said. I looked at him. "Blue it is then." I said. I grabbed my black skinned jeans and my converse sneakers. I went to my dresser and grabbed a blue lace bra and underwear. "What's up with you and lace stuff" luke asked. I shrugged. I laid my outfit on the bed and was about to change when my phone rung. I picked it up.
Me- hello
Ash-hey. I just wanted to say have fin on your trip. I need to talk to you when you return though. Call me at the end of the week when you're at the airport and are heading home it's really important.
Me-okay. I'll call. See ya ash
Ash-bye beautiful
I hung up and laid my phone down. Luke looked at me. "Are you gonna get dressed now not saying wanna look at you although I am in here but um. You have and hour and a half before we gotta leave and we still need to...." I cut him off. "Okay. I'll hurry." I went into the rest room and changed. I looked in the mirror at myself and seen how pretty I truly was I just got down putting on my shoes when luke came into the bathroom. "You're so impatient" I said. Luke only smiled. I brushed my hair and made sure I straightened it. Luke checked his watch. "I'm done. I'll put on. Jewelry and makeup in the car" I said. I pecked his lips and we headed downstairs. Luke grabbed my suitcase and we headed outside to his car. Once in the car I pulled down the mirror that he had in the passenger seat and did my makeup. He pulled out the driveway and headed down the road with green day playing on the radio. I put on jewelry that included gold bracelets and gold earrings to match my shirt. I put on clear lip gloss because I hate lip stick. I had on eyeliner and mascara. Luke glanced at me. "You're beautiful you know that." Luke said. "Yes. I do know that. But sometimes I feel unsure of myself. But then you always make me feel better" I said. "Wow. I'm touched." Luke said. I smiled at him. We arrived at the airport and went inside.

Calum's POV:
I woke up and got dressed. I grabbed a pop-tart from the kitchen and ate it while driving over to Ashton's house. When I arrived I got out the car and and and went to the front door. *knock knock* ashton came to open it. "Hey" I said. "Hey" ashton said. I walked inside. Ashton was watching movies and being lazy. "What you want to talk about?" I asked. "since luke and Natalie left my ex Megan has been coming to see me. I need your help. She won't leave me alone. I tell her to leave me alone and she...there she is right there!" Ashton said. He looked out the window behind him to my surprises a black haired girl came up to the door. She was beautiful. What am I saying I like Melina. I walked over to the door. "What are you doing?" Ashton said hiding behind a wall. "Stay there and don't move. I got a plan " I said. "And what it the plan?" Ash asked. "To get you off her mind by flirting it works for me when I do this for mike."'I said. I opened the door. She looked at me. "Is Ashton here." She asked. "Ashton's not here but how can I be of service to a girl so beautiful" I said. Meagan blushed. Wow she's easy to get. "well. Could you tell me when ashton gets here" se asked. "What about me. I'm worth your time" I said. She smiled. "Here's my number. I'll see how big of a boy you really are soon enough. If you are I won't mess with ashton anymore." She said. He gave me her number and wakes back to her car. Wow! I love the way she walked. I closed the door and looked at the number. I walked over to were ashton was and he was laughing his ass off. "What?" I asked. "Oh yeah I'm worth your time." Ashton said mocking me and laughing. "Shut up. It worked didn't it"'I said showing him the number. He stopped laughing and looked at me. "Wow that's cool. Now you have her to deal with." Ashton said. He smiled. "she won't be bothering me" ashton said. He jumped on the couch and ended up hitting his head on the coffee table. I laughed. "Shut up! That shit hurt" ashton pouted. "Ha. Who's laughing now" I said. Bursting in to laughter. Ashton just looked at me.

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