Calm and Collected

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Toby wordlessly passed his axe through the female. The only sound that could be heard was his partner's shrieks and laughs, in which they disposed the remaining tenants of the residence. None of them had contradicted The Operator's order to kill every person, nor had they asked why, just like all of the other times they had randomly been told to kill, mark, leave evidence, or warn something. It was their unguided duty as proxies. It wasn't like Masky or Hoodie hesitated if they got even a single chance to murderize something. Toby, not wanting to be the odd one out, reluctantly followed through with the tasks. But, when he did really get into it, as his companions had seen on occasion, he never regretted it. Toby tossed his axe between his hands and cleared his throat, even when he raised the weapon above his head and brought it straight through the skull of the cowering child below him, he couldn't prevent himself from tapping his foot repeatedly. He was grateful for the lack of teasing from his companions and no one he was told to get rid of said anything about his stuttering speech impediment. Not that they really could fit a comment about his cracking knuckles between their terrified screams.

"Tooo-oooby!" Masky called from another room, he popped his head from around the corner and quietly observed as Toby smashed repeatedly into the small body on the ground, "Hey. Toby. Hey."

The shorter male looked up at Masky and ceased his smashing.

"Yes?" He asked slowly, drawing out his syllables in an effort to keep from stuttering.

"We're done." Masky said, jolting his thumb in the direction of the blood spatters in the hallway behind him.

"Okay I'll be there in a s-s-second."

Masky bobbed his head and stuck his tongue out before disappearing behind the corner once again. Toby cursed to himself and stretched his arms down to drench a pocket knife in the child's blood. Then bring it up again and carve a symbol into the soft wood in front of him. The symbol of The Operator. None of them knew what it meant, and once again, none of them asked. With the sheer viciousness of the mark, even Toby was a little frightened of questioning it. Who knew what would happen to him if he requested the origin of the symbol. He once asked Masky about it and received a blank stare, and then Masky had wordlessly left from where he had been sitting in Toby's room. It had permanently discouraged him from trying any way to find more information about their surroundings, as well as his past.

Toby straightened himself, wiping the blood from his front and letting out a frustrated sigh. Brushing his fingers lightly across the indention in the wall, Toby turned and trudged out of the room. The smell of death was filling the air, it was suffocatingly toxic. Making ever gasp for air feel like Toby was swallowing nails. He thought from experience. He placed a gloved hand in front of his already covered mouth and tried to restrain himself from breathing too heavily.

Damn this, He thought, damn all of this, every single fucking time this happens. God I feel like I'm going to be sick.

Toby paused and swallowed the bile in his throat. Shifting his legs to distract himself from the nauseating feeling that grew in his stomach, threatening to make him start retching in the corner. He quickly stumbled over to where he figured Masky to be. He pushed open the door and his eyes widened. He quickly slammed the door and propped himself against the adjacent wall. He pushed the cover over his mouth down and vomited, feeling the washed out feeling of pain fleetingly grace his mind. He didn't know how he would survive without Anhidrosis while being a proxy. It frightened him to even think about how Hoodie and Masky delt with the overwhelming pain that the job entitled.

"Oh... Hey Tobes' you okay?"

Toby shoved his mouth guard over his nose again. Shielding his face from Masky's view. He narrowed his eyes at his partner and nodded gruffly. Masky giggled and turned backwards to call Hoodie over. Toby always had thought of Hoodie as being the creepier of the two. With his rusque killing and mainly stylistic way of recreating iconic murders on the past. But those were only when he actually decided to spare some time to commit to a project. Which as Toby wrinkled his nose in disgust, he had. He was normally very quiet and hid behind Masky most of the time, relying on him to do all the talking. Which Masky excelled at.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2023 ⏰

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Partners In Crime (Masky x Hoodie x Ticci Toby)Where stories live. Discover now