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Terrance's car pulled up to the driveway of his parents house. I looked out the window at the front yard. It was completely covered in snow and ice hung down from the porch ceiling. I had a duffel bag of Terrance's old clothes packed in the trunk along with Terrance's bag full of clothes, deodorant, and his PS5 and controllers. We got out of the car and walked to the trunk. It was Christmas break at last. Two weeks of no homework.

Terrance opened the trunk and handed me my black and yellow bag while he got out his giant black backpack. "Well, get comfy babe. Cause we're gonna be here for the next two weeks." Terrance chuckled, ruffling my hair. I then remembered the presents Terrance had gotten from Target in the backseat. "Babe, don't forget the presents!" I said. Terrance stopped in his tracks and facepalmed. "Right...thanks Shadow." He replied. We opened the door to the backseat and got out the wrapped presents before closing the door and walking up to the porch, our sneakers leaving tracks in the snow of the front yard. We got up to the door, and Terrance rang the doorbell. Just like at Thanksgiving, Bia answered the door.

"Terry! Hey sweetie!" Bia greeted. "And Shadow, hello! I knew you'd be back!" I chuckled and rolled my head a bit. "I can't get enough of you otters!" I laughed. Bia looked a lot different from Thanksgiving. She wore this light blue yarn sweater with a snowman sewed into the center and a pair of black jeans and blue heels. Bia let us in, and as soon as I walked in, Terrance's little brother, Summer ran to both of us and hugged me and Terrance. "Shadow! I haven't seen you in forever!" Summer said to me, his tail thumping on the floor. Summer always really liked me. I guess I just had that effect on otters. Or at least Terrance's family.

Summer wore this black T-Shirt with Spider-Man on it and wore these beige looking shorts. He had this Nintendo Switch with Red and Blue Joy Cons. Summer always loved Spider-Man. "Hey Summer, how you doing little buddy?" I said to the little otter standing down in front of me. "Keeping those bad guys webbed up?" Summer blushed at this remark. He nodded his head and ran back into the living room. "Yeah, he's still pretty shy, but he loves you." Terrance chuckled. We walked into the living room.

Terrance's living room was the same as it was years ago. The walls were this dark brown wooden wall with picture frames of Terrance with his grandparents and uncle and other family members. I was in a few of these pictures. The TV sat in this wooden case with these drawers underneath it. This brown couch sat in front of the TV where Terrance's grandparents were sitting. Behind the couch was a green Christmas tree with blue ribbon and gold lights wrapped around it and these ball ornaments and of course the star on top. Underneath the tree was a bunch of wrapped presents for people like Summer, Terrance, and a bunch of other people. We walked up to the tree and sat down Terrace's presents next to all the others. "I'm making dinner right now, boys, it'll probably be done in a few minutes." Bia said. "Aww, I can't cook?" Terrance chuckled. "You've been working really hard at school, sweetie. You deserve a break." Bia said before hugging Terrance. "Uh babe, should we go put our bags in the bedroom?" Terrance asked me. "Uh, yeah...we probably should." I responded.

We walked upstairs to Terrance's bedroom. It was the same as it was from Thanksgiving. Terrance sat our bags down on the bed and laid down. I laid down next to him and felt him brush his paw through my hair. "It's been a good two and a half months." Terrance said. "Yep...we became a couple, you got your PS5, and I've got this soft, nice Santa belly." I chuckled, rubbing my stomach. Terrance laughed and patted my belly. "If I get you any fatter, I might have to dress you up as Santa!" Terrance laughed. I snuggled against Terrance, feeling his warm black and gray hoodie. "Hey now, make sure you're eating too. I want you getting bigger as well!" I said to him. He smiled and stroked my hair, pulling me close. "I promise, babe." Terrance assured me.

We laid there for what seemed like hours. Before we knew it, we had fallen asleep snuggling each other.

I ran through the living room chasing after Terrance. He was laughing and whipping at me with his tail. "Can't run from me forever, Terry!" I laughed, running out of breath. Terrance eventually stopped running and tried to catch his breath. "Time out...I'm tired." Terrance said through breaths. We sat down on the couch, turning on the TV to Digimon. Terrance flipped the channel to Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. "This again?" I laughed. "Haven't we watched this 8 times?" Terrance chuckled and gently hit a pillow in my face. "When you're at my house, we watch what I want!" Terrance replied.

Shadow and TerranceWhere stories live. Discover now