planing the meetup. { chapter one }

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* the protags/ who I watch to keep up with the thing on the server all on a call together*
Izuku: HEY why don't we have all of our casts meet up I can definitely get mine all to one place
Hinita: stop yelling it is too loud Tommy
Iride: Woow you all are * sneeze* way too excited I will plan the party at my place thought Makoto: I can get the entier dr series there as well
Tommy: well if we do the math you need to have enough space for-
Hinita: at most 400 at least you will need space for 100 people
Izuku: how the hell did you do that so fast
Hinita: unlike when I am in character I am really smart actually
Shuichi: I... I didn't even know that
Tommy: glad we don't really act we are YouTubers that act in a series created by us
Hajime: ya you don't need to brag about it asshole we all know that
Makoto: no fighting this is a fight free zone you two know this
Tommy: sorry Makoto
Hajime: sorry Makoto
Iride: ok so we all are going to have the meet up at my place it has enough space for everyone
Izuku: awsome
Makoto: k I will get everyone going can we have it on Friday
Iride: ya that is when I was going to have it
Shuichi: ok got it
everyone: bye
* call ended*

( ok all the people you see above are the ones I use to fallow the shows/ series they all know each other in different ways they all met at random times and places and they all do monthly meetups to look at fanart and fanfiction it is funny so you get to see it all )

no pov it is like watching it from afar.

the boys / nonbinary got all of their cast to Iride's house to see if they would like to hang out with the other cast.
Bakugo was walking around looking for people he recognized or kinda knew " fuck why did izu bring me here he knows for a fact I don't like bing with people I don't know " he said. Out of now where a bright pink wave of hair was seen and tripped over air.
" shit sorry I didn't mean to trip on you " the girl said
"Na it is ok here let me help you up" Bakugo said extending his hand to help the girl.
"Thanks I am iruma mui and you are " she asked while taking his hand to get up.
"Katuki Bakugo nice to meet you" they casted for a bit and got to know eatch other better.

This is the first chapter and there might be a y/n added in as well this was just a random idea I had and don't mind the name I have to get a better one and all characters are going to be well out of character because they are all actors as well that is all for this chapter see you when this get updated witch is idk when sence I procrastinat a lot.

~author mother Chan

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2021 ⏰

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