Chapter Three

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 After the night of drinking on Monday morning everyone was at their desks. Beatrix kept to herself embarrassed from the other night. Spencer on the other hand found it funny and would definitely be teasing her about it later. Beatrix was at her desk, earbuds in listening to music as she had finished the paperwork on the case they had just finished.

She looked over to see Spencer staring at her. She pulled her earbuds out and looked back at him.

"Can you play your music quieter?" Spencer asked almost kindly.

Something inside her told her she had to piss him off, she had put her earbuds back in turning the volume up a little to anger him. He rolled his eyes, giving up on her quickly. Beatrix liked the game they had always played and she was a little disappointed he wouldn't react.

A few hours later Beatrix finished her paperwork, but was still listening to music and catching up on things she had forgotten to do.

Spencer unknowingly had his jaw clenched for some time, and was beginning to grow irritated with Beatrix. He had tried his best to ignore it.

"Seriously would you stop it with the music," Spencer said, coming out muffled for Beatrix.

She once again pulled out her headphones.

"Why? Do you have a headache?" She teased, referring to Spencer's old drug addiction.

Spencer gave her a cold stare. Beatrix's lips were still parted from what she had said.

"Okay, daddy issues," Spencer smiled at her, going right for the jugular.

Beatrix huffed and raised her eyebrows at him.

"Mommy issues." Beatrix coughed under her breath.

"Depressed whore." He said with no hesitation.

Beatrix had no idea how he knew about her depression, and how she used sex to feel less lonely.

"Schizophrenic," She smiled back.

That was where the line was for him and for her. His mother was always a touchy subject, but him getting her mental illness was always a giant fear of his. For Beatrix she was completely shocked at what he had said.'He was a profiler, how did he not know' she thought to herself. Beatrix had tried her best to hide her personal life from everyone, and being made vulnerable made her even more angry.

Beatrix sat back in her chair looking at Spencer as he did as well. This was war.

Spencer leaned forward a bit getting ready to say something.

"To think you joined the team and I thought you might just be capable of your job, when in actuality you don't even think you're capable of doing your job. How are you supposed to say you're good at something when you don't believe you are." Spencer laughed, as Beatrix smiled, also getting ready to say something.

"To think I thought you had nothing to hide, but you use your intelligence to hide that fact that you are barely getting by from day to day. Well, Mr. Genius, it's all a mask because you don't want anyone finding out that you are actually not as vanilla as everyone says you are, but you're scared of what everyone will think." Beatrix shouted.

Now the entire office was looking shocked. She didn't know id what she said was true, but by Spencer's silence she now knew she had everything correct.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2020 ⏰

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