Epilogue - 10 Years Later

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“Director Fury,” Jesse said letting Jez know that he had arrived. Jez spun around on the black leather chair and smiled at the teen she had watched grow up.

“Hey Jesse,” Jez said in the same voice she had had for over 10 years. “How was your trip home? How’s your dad?”

Jez hadn’t seen Harry in about three years. To her that wasn’t very long. Time didn’t seem to exist to her. Everything in the world changed but she and Steve remained the same as always. Jesse shrugged away the question. Harry had told her over the phone that Jesse never stopped talking about her. Harry believed that Jesse had a little crush on Jez and was jealous of the relationship Jez and Harry used to have. Jez had said “like father like son”.

That was the last time Jez had heard from the man who now lived in Miami with his wife Liz Allen and their two daughters aged two. The twins had been passed on some of their father’s powers but Harry was waiting until they were older to tell them. He didn’t agree with Peter about allowing children abuse their powers. Neither did Jez. Jez never visited because Harry’s wife felt uncomfortable with her being friends with her husband.

Liz was a lovely lady but knew about Harry and Jezebel’s extremely brief fling. She knew how Harry would always feel about Jez and it angered her. It had taken weeks of butt licking and persuading to convince Liz to allow Jesse to move back to New York. One of the reasons that they had moved in the first place was so Jez was nowhere near capable of having constant contact with. Jesse moving gave Harry and excuse to call once a week. Every phone call ended the same; with a whispered “I’ll always love you”.

Jesse had moved to New York to live with Jez and Steve when he was only fifteen. He had joined S.H.I.E.L.D as part of the Teen Agents Division and went to the same school that Jez, Harry and Peter used to attend. Jez had taken over S.H.I.E.L.D after her father’s death in the field. Jesse was Jezebel’s closest thing to a best friend since the rest of her friends had grown up, gotten married and moved away.

Jez missed them but she was happy for them all the same. She even missed Peter. It wasn’t the same not having the web head around all the time to mess around with. She didn’t have someone she could fly with anymore so her morning hovers were quiet. Peter was living in Manhattan but had given up being Spiderman to pursue the ‘normal’ life. Since he had retired Jezebel barely saw him. She kept her distance anyway so that Peter and Gwen could have the normal life they wanted.

Peter had a daughter now too. She called herself Spider Girl. She had started using her powers from a young age. She was now only three but could shoot webs. Though she didn’t agree with power misuse, Jez was eager to help train all the new and upcoming heroes. Gwen still did research for S.H.I.E.L.D sometimes but her true calling was teaching. She was a science lecturer in the local college and loved what she did.

Jesse was now Jezebel’s own child in a way. He had no powers but he was an exceptional agent. He was Jezebel’s right hand man on missions. Jesse and Steve got on like salt and pepper. Jez was glad that Steve had such a good friend. Steve found it easy to get close to people. Since her original friends moved on, Jez had been finding it hard to become close with people. It was hard to love people when you know you’re going to watch them grow old and die without you.

“The trip was good,” Jesse answered. “It was cool seeing the twins again. Dad was his usual self. He spent the entire week asking about you and ended up fighting with Liz over it, again. He misses you like crazy. He didn’t say it but I know he does. It’s a little bit awkward, especially with Liz knowing. He doesn’t even try and hide it.” Jez laughed softly

“Same Harry Osborn I knew,” Jez sighed and glanced at the wall.

There they kept pictures of all S.H.I.E.L.D honorary agents. A young Green Goblin II smiled down at her as his picture hung beside a young Spiderman. “He said what he thought no matter what consequences came with it. He was a lot of fun. I miss him too.” Jesse nodded as if he understood and Jez hoped he would never have to. Her power of eternal youth was both a gift and a curse.

“Wanna grab something to eat before we go home?” Jez asked Jesse and stood ready to leave the helicarrier. She had to take her mind off of her friend’s happy normal lives. She was just grateful that Steve had taken the sacrifice and stayed with her. Without Steve Jez didn’t know where she would have been. She would have been entirely alone.

Jesse shook his head slowly and stood too.

“Actually Jez,” he said. “I was supposed to meet up with White Tiger tonight. Can I go? I promise I’ll be back before eleven and if I’ll be late I’ll call ahead. Besides, Steve wanted me to ask you to meet him on the roof of your old apartment building. You two should be alone.”

Jez was intrigued but decided not to ask more questions.

“Need a lift to the ground?” she asked as she walked with Jesse out onto the landing area.

“Sure,” Jesse said zipping up his jacket before wrapping his arms around Jez. After she had dropped Jesse Jez had flown around for a little while before going to see Steve.

Jez and Steve had been married for ten whole years now. You may wonder if they ever got sick of each other. They didn’t. You may also wonder whether or not they wanted to still be superheroes. They didn’t. The others all got old and gave up to pursue normal lives but Jez and Steve never had that option. They were as young and capable as ever and with great power comes great responsibility. Another minor setback was that, since their bodies didn’t age, neither did their brains. Jez was stuck with the brain of a nineteen year old forever.

Therefore the duo remained the world’s guardians. Though they lived in New York they travelled all around the world doing what they did best. Jez was surprised that the New Yorkers weren’t sick of them yet. The civilians seemed to have a gaining interest in the heroes rather than losing interest. This really surprised Jez but she was glad that the people weren’t taking their protection for granted.

Steve was already on the roof when Jez arrived. He was lying down on Jesse’s duvet just stargazing. He stood immediately when he saw Jez. There was never a moment when Steve Rogers wasn’t an absolute gentleman.

“How are you sweetheart?” Steve asked and kissed her cheek. He held her hand as she sat down and then followed.

“I’m feeling good,” Jez smiled and cuddled into Steve’s shoulder. When she was with Steve everything was so perfect.

“Jesse got back today,” Steve said as he pulled a picnic basket from behind him and started laying out some of Jezebel’s favourite snack and treats.

“I was talking to him,” Jez said intertwining her fingers with Steve’s free hand. “Did Tony call from California?”

“No,” Steve replied. “But Banner called asking about you. He’s doing some work in Ireland and was thinking of you.”

Jez smiled. She wished that someday she could spend some time in rural Ireland again. Nothing beat lying on the beach in Kerry with nothing for miles away. She wouldn’t move back there but would love the break away from the world.

“Steve,” Jez said. “Do you ever think that you’ll get sick of me?” Steve laughed softly as he lay back with his wife.

“I don’t think I ever could,” Steve began. “For starters you’re hardly boring. Then there’s that other little thing. Oh what is it? Oh yes! Ah I love you.” Jez giggled and rolled into Steve’s tight embrace.

“I love you too Steve Rogers,” Jez sighed and they cuddle watching the stars. Love is something magical and Jez was one of the lucky ones. She had found true love and if she was careful the love would last almost forever.

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