A normal day?

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Ouma Kokichi, a small, pale, thin, shy and timid male was walking to school, carrying his backpack over his shoulders. He stumbled, his shaking hands holding onto the straps. "a-ah..." He winced, almost falling. he sighed, continuing his walk to school. He was carrying a danganronpa backpack, which shuichi had given him. Kokichi wasn't even aware of what it was from, he was just happy saihara cared enough about him to give him a gift. ever since then, he'd never stopped using it, carrying his school supplies and utensils, as well as a first aid kit and clean bandages. he'd also carry money and his phone there. His arms were littered with scars and bandages, and so was the rest of his body. he was extremely under weight, and had very sensitive skin. a pinch would make him bruise.

shuichi saihara, a fairly tall, obsessed weeb, was hanging out with Kaede and Rantaro, as well as Kaito momota, the school's main bully. kaede was just a depressed, emotionless bitch most of the time, and Rantaro, well,, he was more of a verbally abusive person.

Each teen looked very different, Shuichi Saihara was fairly tall, with darkish navy hair, that mostly covered his ears, and the sides of his face. He'd always wear the same outfit, a white button down shirt with a stripped tie, and a black blazer over it, with a small hat, he never took off. He was very pretty, with golden eyes that sometimes appeared as grey, and his golden freckles dotted across his face, he was very attractive.

Then there was Kaede Akamatsu, who was a decent height, certainly taller than kokichi, but that's not saying much. She had long, semi wavy blonde hair, which she wore a few musical note hair clips in. then, there were her lavander eyes that drew most of the boys in. With her makeup, charm, and rbf (resting bitch face) she could almost get any guy she wanted.

Kaito Momota, a decent looking guy, who was constantly found beating someone up or making fun of them. if not, he was often times caught doing something else horrible. He had purple hair that stuck up, literally defying gravity. He scared most of the school.

And ah, last but certainly not least, Rantaro Amami, an extremely tall, attractive male, who had blonde hair with a greenish tint to it that always looked soft and fluffy. He was often times compared to an avacado, mainly for the color of his hair. But i've never seen an avacado with piercings though. Speaking of which, the guy has so many piercings, it'd be a shocker if he didn't work at some jewelry store. then there were his emerald eyes, which could literally glare at you sternly once, and make you respect/fear him.

And those were basically the 4 teens who were standing in a circle, soliciting outside a classroom.

"Heyo. who's the small twink?" Kaede asked with a grin, staring at the small,purple haired Ouma. Kaito then shared her gaze, followed by Rantaro, then shuichi.
"...you don't remember him..?" Kaito asked, a grin on his face. "He's the kid, mister emo over here stalks..-"
"sh-shut up kaito.." Shuichi frowned, "It's not my fault i worry about him...-"
"Fine if none of you idiots are gonna do anything," The tall- Amami grinned,walking over to ouma, quickly shoving him to the ground. "hey twink...got any money on ya? cmon...you'd help me out,, right...?"

Ouma started to violently tremble, scrambling away from Rantaro, a terrified expression on his face. "pl..please... i-i don't have anymore..i-i'm so s-sorry..." Kokichi whimpered as rantaro ran a hand through his hair, frowning. "better bring some tomorrow then, gay boy."

Rantaro left just as quickly as he'd come, Shuichi glancing at ouma, silently taking a picture of him with his digital phone camera, a satisfied smile on his face. He then disappeared into the crowd.

Eventually Kokichi walked towards his classroom, before feeling a familiar hand push him against the wall. it was kaito's hand. Kokichi whimpered, immediately shrinking.
"Whats wrong, short twink..? saihara not here to save you this time?" He laughed quietly, as saihara appeared behind kaito, "i suggest you let go... theres a teacher coming down the hall."
"Oh shut up emo bitch, the only reason you're here is cause you wanna fuck the mentally unstable kid!!" Kaito grinned, before something in Kokichi just snapped. He quickly kicked kaito away from him, grinning as he put a finger to his lips. 

"At least i don't love a killer, jackass. now go away...shouldn't you be making out with that assassin?"

{{Authors Note: sksksksk ok so i started this at 12:40 am, and its already 1:15 am when i finished it, also please tell me if you have any suggestions, side bar things you want to see happen, and others. WORD COUNT: 828 WORDS LOL JEEZ-}}

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