A whole new student...

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Kaito stood back in complete shock at first, before shoving the small, frail Ouma back against the wall. This only egged the new male on, a wide grin spreading across his face. "i suggest you watch yourself, momota..." Ouma laughed, just letting the other squeeze his shoulders tighter. Eventually the grip had become so unbearable, it caused Ouma to whimper, even with his new personality. "Okay Okay jerk!! let go! it's actually starting to hurt..!" He continued to laugh,, treating it as a joke. Kaito however, was completely and utterly pissed at ouma, his grip worsening and worsening until Ouma's stitches came undone.
It was at this point, Shuichi Saihara ((the ultimate emo-)) decided to intervene, pushing Kaito away from ouma. "Hey!! Didn't you hear him!? Cut it out you dumbass!!"

Kaito was going to hit shuichi, but the teacher walked by, noticed ouma, and quickly rushed him to the nurse, saihara stalking behind silently, his hand rest on the digital camera in his pocket as he watched the small male take off his shirt, with a grin. He was told to explain the whole situation, and he did, with a few lies involved..

To anyone walking past, they'd see the tall detective just standing outside of the nurse's office, staring at a smaller black-purple haired, shirtless Ouma. They'd also hear tons ... and tons... of overdramatic sobbing, probably coming from Ouma.

Going further down the hall, was an energetic short witch, trying to get a shy akido master, to do tiktoks with her. The chica dance was practically overflowing through the school, attracting a tall blue haired cosplayer, a medium sized black-ish reddish haired assassin, and the school's blonde student council president. They all did the tiktok together, grinning silently.
Even further you could find a short tenis pro with blonde hair, a very tall, faint mint haired male, and another tall male who wore a mask with a zipper, and long blackish hair.
If you took a right into the classroom, you could find a blonde haired female with lavender/magenta eyes talking with a purple haired bimbo who had a beard.

Ouma tried his best to ignore the nurse, claiming he didn't even remember why he had the stitches in the first place. Half of that was true. . . - he didn't remember exactly what caused the injury, but he did know it had something to do with shuichi and kaito, who's names he'd refused to mention. He sighed, as the nurse quietly stitched him back up, shaking and apologizing with every whimper, squirm and flinch ouma made.
such a mikan....   Ouma thought, before looking up at the purple haired female, realizing that this was, in fact, Miss Tsumiki. His eyes widen, "...ah- horrible meeting you." Ouma grinned, lying to the already mentally broken Tsumiki. She quietly cried, giving him a slip to class.   "a-ahh! i-i'm so sorry it t-took me so long, pl-please.. f-forgive me..! f-forgive me!!"    Ouma winced away from her, rushing out of the room, making his way to class.

"Kaito Momota, Shuichi Saihara, Kaede Akamatsu, and Kokichi Ouma, please report to the principal's office at once."

Kaito immediately turned to Kaede, who was already bitching about what they could possibly want from her. He frowned, "maybe for not helping the small twink or some pathetic shit like that." That one made her laugh. Maki passed by Kaito in the hallway, glaring at him with a: you're so dead... look on her face.

Ouma had been prevented from running any further, being interrupted by a strong, cold, firm grip on his wrist, to which he turned around. He found that the source of the grip was saihara, and even though he squirmed to get away, the grip only tightened.
"what could you possibly want, emo boy." Kokichi frowned at the other, continuing to struggle against his iron tight grip. Saihara frowned. "i save your ass and i get this as a thanks?"
"you and i both know i didn't need your pathetic attempt of help."
Ouma snarled at the other, before kicking his shins to get his arm free. The kick, did in fact work just how Ouma planned, and Saihara had let go, wincing. "hey!! come back here ko!" Saihara cried out, rushing after the other who was on his way to Mr Togami's office.  

Now.. Togami didn't give 2 shits about their little...skirmish... but the student council's robot did, and hated to see ouma being put through pain like that.
little did he know... this wasn't the same ouma as before. the ouma he fell in love with was gone. maybe forever...


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