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✑ When you're sick, Yakko will become relatively attentive and rational. It just proves that, as much as he wants to be the class clown 24/7, he has a soft side (especially when it comes to you).

✑ Although Yakko is no Hello Nurse, he will try his best to take good care of you by brining you some hot soup, making sure you stay hydrated, keeping you warm with blankets (and cuddles), checking your temperature, etc.

✑ Sometimes Yakko might go too overboard when getting things for you, he almost brought you a whole shopping ile worth of tissues once.

✑ At one point he brought in Doctor Scratchansniff to take a look at you, after Scratchansniff tried to explained he wasn't that kind of a doctor, Yakko still pestered him about ways to keep you on the road to getting better.

✑ If you're feeling lethargic, Yakko with roll you up in a blanket and sit with you and watch TV, "You've gotta save your energy by fighting that pesky virus! Let Yakko take care of everything else." he would say while patting your head.

✑ Yakko is extremely touchy feely, and you often need to remind him that you're sick, and that he needs to keep his distance. This will cause him to whine and cling to your leg, begging for physical affection.

✑ Yakko will stay with you for hours on end, just entertaining you with jokes and silly stories.

✑ If Yakko decides he wants to stay with you for the night, you'd better get extra blankets- he always hogs the covers.

✑ Once you're all better, Yakko will give you a big smooch, and brag about how great of a guy he is for helping you get better

✑ Wakko is a very sweet boy, and even sweeter to you. If you ever got sick, he'd be first in line to helping you.

✑ Wakko really wouldn't have a clue on how to assist you, so he'd just rely on you requesting things, like more tissues or more blankets etc.

✑ He would try and bring you food, but unfortunately he'd end up eating it on his way to give it back to you. Please forgive him, he just got a lil hungry.

✑ At some point, he would start blowing bubbles with his spit to entertain you. You couldn't even feel more sick from it than you already were, thankfully.

✑ You and Wakko would end up napping together multiple times. It was like you were both scheduled to fall asleep at the exact same time.

✑ If Wakko decided to stay with you overnight, the both of you would have the chillest sleepover. He'd order 42 pizzas, and eat all but one slice- leaving the last one for you.

✑ Wakko is a little snuggle bug, he'll give you endless affection just to make you feel that little bit better.


✑ Wakko is like a support dog, he's just so lovely and he made you feel so much better just by being with you.

✑ You promised to take him out to an all you can eat ice-cream buffet when you got better, which made everything worth while.

✑ You already know Dot is going to fawn over you like there's no tomorrow.

✑ She will shower you with blankets, pillows, tissues, medicine ANYTHING she deems necessary for your recovery.

✑ Dot will be at your side in a nurse's outfit checking your pulse, looking down your throat- trying to diagnose whatever illness you might have.

✑ She will kick her brothers out of the water tower and turn it into a women's den just for you and her.

✑ Dot really doesn't care how unwell you are, no one is too sick for a makeover!

✑ Prepare to wear face mask, and have cucumber over your eyes while Dot does your nails.

✑ Well, it's relaxing to have someone be so overly caring about you. Dot really shaped you up and made you feel pretty. After all, when you're sick you feel gross, greasy and unclean.

✑ Dot's little makeover made you feel a lot better. She also helped teach you a couple ways to clear you sinuses, which helped you breathe a ton better.

✑ Once you got better. It was Dot's turn to be worshiped, the two of you organised a sleepover and you made Dot feel like the queen.

✑ 𝙰𝙽𝙸𝙼𝙰𝙽𝙸𝙰𝙲𝚂 𝚇 𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙳𝙴𝚁 | oneshots, imagines, headcanonsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن