Your Time With Goat Mom

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Slowly you reach out to take the large monster's hand. You were scared, but it seemed friendly. Friendlier than Flowey, anyway. But Flowey'd been friendly in the beginning too.. You shook your head. It didn't matter. You'd made your decision. The monster in question was very tall, maybe 10 to 12 ft. It seemed to be a female if her purple dress was anything to go by. She seemed to be a goat with large floppy ears and white fur. Her eyes were purple. They weren't slits. She had to sharp, white horn adorning her head. "Are you alright, child? That feral creature hadn't bit you, had it?" She cut through your thoughts. Her voice was very genital for a large, intimidating goat monster. "N-no ma'am." You managed to say. "I- I mean.. I'm ok. I w-wasn't bit." You corrected yourself, wondering why getting bit was a big deal.. Other than it hurting a lot. "Thank goodness. I'm Toriel, Caretaker of the ruins. I come here everyday to see if a human has fallen." She explained as she pulled you up on your feet. "I- I'm [Y/N]. [Y-Y/N] [L/N], ma'am."
"Oh please. No need to be formal. Just Toriel. Or Tori." She mused. "O-ok. Toriel." Weather she noticed your constant stutter or not, she just smiled kindly. "Come, [Y/N]. You need not fear. I shall take you somewhere safe and instruct you in the ways of our world." With nowhere else to go, you followed Toriel.

After going a ways and being instructed on how puzzles worked, it fell silent. "I suppose.. Your wondering why I asked if you got bit? Why it's so important. Yes?" Tori asked. You nodded. "I.. Am curious about that." You admitted. "Well then. We monsters have a special.. Venom, so to speak, in our teeth. If we were to bite one of our own kind or if the monster feels strong negative emotion, we go feral. We attack whatever moves. We don't mean to, we can't control ourselves." She explained. "But.. If we were to bite an non-monster the venom will kill. If the flower would have bit you, you'd run a fever.. And you would die.." She was sad, as if it'd happened to her before. You decided not to ask, for her sake.

Toriel had left you in a hall, saying she would return. She'd even given you a phone. So you waited.. And waited...and waited.. And got bored. So you left the room and started doing puzzles on your own. You were [Y/A] after all. Old enough to do puzzles, no matter how dangerous you could be. You encountered monsters, and they didn't try to bite you. You were quick to find out what they liked and 'beat' them with kindness. As you continued on, and got a call on butterscotch or cinnamon, you chose [Preferred Choice], you started to enjoy yourself. Then you came upon some sort of 4 point glowing star. You touched it and you felt yourself getting filled with determination. A file saved.. Thing.. Came up. You decided that it was a monster thing and didn't question it. You came one more monsters, more 'save points'. Eventually you finally came upon a quaint little house. A large oak stood in front of it. The leaves were dry and scattered around the tree. You walked up to it only to spot Tori coming from the house. She seemed to have spotted you as well, because she rushed over as fast as her paws would carry her. [Y/N]! How did you get here?! I'm sorry, that should not have taken that long.. I was a fool to try and surprise you. Come." You followed her inside. It was as cozy inside as it was outside and you even had your own room! You wanted to stay. Toriel reminded you of the mother you hadn't had in a very, very long time.

It's been about 3 months. You enjoyed it in the ruins with goat mom and the peaceful monsters. You've seen Flowey here and there, but he's made no move to attack.. Yet. Whew knew if and when he would though.. Tori tucked you in for the night and gently licked your forehead. Her version of a kiss.. Figures. It didn't take you long to fall asleep. 

You woke up in the flowers. You're whole body hurt. You couldn't remember how you got back here. Did Flowey attack you in your sleep and drag you here? But why? "Gosh! Are you ok?!" A voice kinda like Flowey's but more childish and less guttural asked. You looked over to see a goat boy. He was maybe a foot taller than you. "W-wha..?" You sounded dazed. "I'll get mom and dad! They can help." The scene around you shifted. You were in the house with the goat boy, mom, and who you could only assume was Asgore the king of all monsters. The king was in bed and you were crying for some reason. Two skeletons you'd never met were also in the room. "Get them out of here. I can't work like this." The older skeleton stated. Mom ushered us out. "It wasn't your fault. You had no clue the Butter cups were poisonous." The goat boy tried to comfort you. Wait.. I POISONED THE KING!? Before you could ask, the scene shifted again. You found yourself saying "It's the only way. Besides. I'm not really leaving. I'll be with you." That voice.. It wasn't mine.. Who was I? "O-ok Chara.. I trust you.." The goat stuttered. Then he bit you. You bit back a scream of agony as it felt like fire was running through your veins. Another scene shift. You were burning up in the bed Asgore had been in previously. The same two skeletons were in there, taking care of you. The younger one, you realized, had to be only six. Maybe younger. "I'm sorry.. The cure isn't perfect. The prototype isn't working. We're losing them." The older skeleton told mom who burst into tears. The scene shifted once more and it was like an outerbody experience. The goat boy, wasn't a goat boy. He was taller, though not as tall as Asgore or mom. He had black marks on his fur and his usual green eyes were in slits. Just like wild monsters.. Was he controlling his feral form? I quickly realized he was injured. "Asriel.." The voice that wasn't yours murmured. "I'm so sorry.." The monster, Asriel, fell into a patch of flowers. And I watched him crumble to dust..

You gasped awake. "What was that..?" It had seemed so real.. Like it had actually happened. Holy.. You decided to go for a walk to clear your mind. As you walked down the corridors and passed friendly monsters. Then.. Liquid fire was going through your arm. You looked in time to see yellow dip into the ground. Flowey had bit you. You started running home as fast as you could, holding your bleeding arm, but the pain was spreading.. Becoming unbearable.

Do you keep running?

Do you call for help? (You'd left your phone at home btw)

Wild Soul (Feral Sans X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now