Chapter 1~encounter

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"Captain! There's a ship coming at us from the west! They're gaining on us fast!"

Techno let out a small curse, raising his head from the map he was looking at. He quickly stood, opening the cabin door to find Tubbo, the one who called to him, standing outside. He quickly strode past the young boy, walking toward the main deck where he found his crew, running around like a bunch of headless chickens. He made his way to the railing, accepting the small telescope from Phil. He squinted through the lens, catching sight of the ship coming towards them.

Techno took one glance at the flag flying at the tail of the ship, and his heart simultaneously dropped and started rapidly beating. The flag was a dark black with a red X splitting the flag into four. He knew that flag, everybody did. The flag incited fear in even the bravest men's hearts, it was the last view of many who died at the crews' hands. It was the flag of Dream.

"Tommy, Tubbo, Wilbur, Phil, you guys are on cannons! Rest of the crew, grab your weapons!"

He had a complicated relationship with Dream. Whenever the two caught sight of each other's ships, they would attack; but that's common for any ship. What made it complicated was the fact that Techno doesn't hate the man. He finds joy in their battles, the adrenalin that courses through his blood is better than any liquor he's ever had. The masked man and him seem to have an unspoken agreement: no matter what you do, don't seriously injure the other.

He can't remember how many times he's been down in a fight, where Dream could deliver one blow and end his life, before the masked man suddenly retreated. He gives the other the same treatment, never maiming the other, no matter how messy the battles got. Their crews never seemed to get the message. They were always at each other's necks when the two ships would meet, ready to rip each other apart if it weren't for the retreat of the captains.

"Sapnap, no you can't use fire, we're on a wooden ship."

Despite their friendly agreement, they were still enemies. Always beating the other to ports with the most riches, making sure the entire town was barren for the closely following ship to find. The only time the two ever worked together was when a Royal Navy ship was attacking a smaller ship, named the Badlands. Both ships arrived at the same time, and instead of pointing their cannons at each other, the weapons were positioned to shoot at the royal ships. They never spoke of the temporary alliance, and Techno's definitely not going to be the one to bring up how powerful they were together.

When the two ships were positioned next to each other, wooden boards were sent across to connect the two decks. Techno smirked and took out the sword attached to his hip, his eyes trained on the masked man opposite him. As soon as the sound of wood hitting the deck echoed through the salty breeze, Techno's crew was on the offense. They made sure to cross the makeshift bridges carefully, not wanting to drop into the frigid ocean below.

The sound of swords clashing filled the air around the two captains as they eventually met, the masked man grabbing his own sword. The two blades met, and the fight began. Techno and Dream made their way around Dream's ship's deck, blocking shots with practiced ease. The pinkette could practically see the smirk under the man's mask, ever increasing with every skilled blow he delivers.

Techno noticed that somehow Tommy and Tubbo had made their way to the deck and entered the fight, momentarily distracting the pinkette. The masked man noticed as well, following Techno's gaze to find two children with daggers chasing after a grown man. "You're just letting anyone fight, huh?"

The pink haired man rolled his eyes. "I told them to stay in the lower deck, of course they didn't listen." With that, they continued the battle. Techno continuously watched Tommy and Tubbo out of the corner of his eye, making sure they didn't get seriously injured. He noticed them getting gradually closer to where Techno and Dream are, but didn't think much of it.

The fight ended when Dream failed to block his strike, Techno's blade swiping his shoulder. Then the blond stopped altogether, his sword dropping to reach his hands toward his stomach. When Techno caught sight of the blooming red spot on his green shirt, the hint of a blade poking out, he felt confusion fog his mind. When he caught sight of Tommy and Tubbo behind the other captain, their faces alight with accomplishment, he felt fury. When Techno's face hardened, his words coming out in a bark, his anger was released.

"Crew, retreat!" He could see the confused faces of his crew around him, along with the worried faces of the men they had been fighting. He turned around, his gaze tearing away from Dream's stomach, beginning to walk back to his ship, counting on the others to follow. They did for the most part, many eager to visit Fundy in the infirmary. He looked at the boys behind the other captain, narrowing his eyes at them. "Tommy, Tubbo, get on the ship right now."

They quickly made their way over, many rival crew members flocking to their injured captain that was somehow still standing. He watched as his crew lifted up the boards connecting the two ships, the other ship quickly disappearing from view. He whipped around to Tommy and Tubbo, the former with a look of pride, the latter looking slightly guilty.

"Did you see that, Techno? The way I took out the captain! You saw his face, right? How did he look when I stabbed him?" The young blond stopped mid sentence to laugh, Techno's face still unimpressed. "Bet he wasn't expecting that one! Oh, I got him so good-"

"Tommy." The blond stopped at the stern tone, his smile wavering. "You can't stab the captain from behind, you'll get gutted by their crew. If I didn't make us retreat when I did, you'd be food for the sharks. I told you two to stay with the cannons, even if they weren't needed at such a close range. Next time, listen to me." With that, the captain turned and made his way to his quarters, slamming the door.

He didn't know why he felt so protective over the other captain. Something about seeing blood covering his clothes made by a wound that wasn't from Techno made anger course through his veins. He wasn't lying to Tommy about stabbing the captain, but some of his words were fueled by anger for the masked man instead of protectiveness over the young blond.

He just hoped the captain would be healed again for their next meeting.


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