cherry tree

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Mention of suicide depression and self harm⚠️
I stood there. Not knowing what to do. 'This is your fault. Now look what you did. They probably all hate you now. You should just die. Why are you even still here.' "Katherine..." "Go away." "Kitty...." 'just die all really.' At that moment I felt this urge. I know the urge all too well, it's the same urge I feel every time I pick up something Sharp. It's the urge to hurt myself. it's getting harder to breath. I can't breath. My arm started itching. All I could do was scratch. The blood came down my arm the color I've always admired that shade of red. Was all I wanted to see. Then the darkness.

⚠️ Tw has ended you can read on from here.⚠️

"Papa's home!" small child yelled looking to the window. As a black pick up drove into the driveway. "Katherine shut up." Her mother yelled. "Sorry mommy." She said running to the door. "Hey there my kitty." Her father said picking her up. " Just stop babying her." Her mother said. At the time she was only 3, her little brother was on the way. Her parents always fought. When she got older she realized that this wasn't normal. With the way she lock her and sometimes her younger siblings in a closet for hours at time. And when Jason came into the picture everything turned to the worst. Her beating from her mother had gotten worse. Everyday she would wait for her father everything was better with him. At age 14 her father had died, Jason threatened more people who ever got close to her, and all she wanted to do was die. But when she moved to Japan she knew she had a fresh new start or so she thought

"Katherine are you okay. Katherine Katherine wake up." I heard someone call. It sounds like papa. "Oi dumbass wake up!" I shot up expecting my mom to hurt me. "Are you ok."
"I'm fine I thin-" I felt a heat take over me. My breath turned into pants. I could smell everyone in that room, but that caramel sent stood out to me. I was weak at this time of the month. I knew mom was here she probably yell at me for going into heat right now.

" What's going on with her." Mina asked. " Kitty you forgot about your medicine." Aaron said as he ran to my room. " What the hell. It smells so sweet in here I'm getting a headache." Katsuki commented. When Aaron came back he had the the medicine bottle. "Here you go." He handed it to me. I took two pills out and took them. The heat in my body slowly decreased. "What the heck." Iida asked. " It's because if one of my quirks." Is all I said. They stated at me. "I think it's time for you guys to leave." I said. Die. Just do it. Murderer. SLUT! DUMDASS! USELESS! UGLY! FAT! SAD EXCUSE FOR A DAUGHTER! ITS YOUR FAULT HE DIED.  "Are you ok." One of them asked. " Get Out! Fucking leave!" My scent is too strong for them.  But then in class it's was the same way so maybe...

  Monday back to school. " Hey katherine why did you have to take that medicine." Ochaco asked. " None of your damn business" She seemed sad but just walked away. 'What am I going to do. 'With the job I have I wouldn't have enough money to pay the bills and get groceries. Maybe I could try and get a second job for then weekend. Or maybe' "Katherine. Hey katherine." Mina said. 'but then I wouldn't be able to get them from school. What I'm going do.' "katherine I have to tell you something." Giving mina my attention she started talking. " So I know Bakugou was a no. But Kirishima is nice I think you to have great chemistry." Mina said. "Or there is Midoriya He treat you right or there is Todoroki he-"
"MINA." I cut her off. Sighed. " Look I'm not looking for a boyfriend."

"Oh well I think Momo is single. But I'm not sure if she's into that." She just keep rambling. "Mina I'm not look for anybody right now." She nodded. Taking her seat. Why midoriya he's just no my type. He's not the dominant type. But I might be wrong.

I walked out of class with Sofie I was going to see aizawa sensei to see if he could get me a dorm room. I knocked on the door. "Excuse me. But I'm looking for aizawa." I said. " Eraser." Present mic said. "What is it?"
" I was wondering if it's possible for me to move into the dorms with my siblings." I asked. So pathetic having to ask someone for help. "I'll look into it." I gave a nod, before walking out.

"Hey katherine came and sit by us." Mina said. Sofie ran before I could say anything. "Hey if you want I could came over and help you out at your house." Kirishima asked. " Well I have work but if you like you could babysit my siblings after school." I said feeding Sofie her rice ball. " Sure how hard can it be." Kiri said. Soon everyone at the table agree except angry Pomeranian. "Come on." He said. " I have plans. "
"What some kind date or something." I asked. He looked pissed. I giggled to myself.

    The battle training me and kiri are pair up with each other. 1 on 1. I focused on only my physical strength. He keep on aiming for my face with the yank and cut from him made me feel pleased. "Hey Katherine are you ok." Kiri asked. I nodded. He seemed to look away from me to someone else. I just walked away what the hell is wrong with me. Why am I like this it's weird and gross, but not thing that's easier to change.

  Walking home with Sofie, alex, and Aaron talking about movies. The house was still a mess from this weekend. Walking in the smell of depression and alcohol was everywhere. "Go to your rooms and get out of your uniforms." They nodded. Sofie ran off probably to her room. I washed the dishes, took the trash, and vacuumed. I opened the refrigerator and opened a can of what ever cheap beer my mom drinks. I finished half of it when someone knocked. Slamming the rest before going to open the door. " Hey katherine, we are here." I nodded. They walked in the house smelled a bit better no more depression and alcohol.

I told them what they can and can't have. Walking out of the house. Five minutes to get to work. It was normal shift a couple of rude people here and there. See you later Hoshi." I said waving as I walked out into the crowded streets. With my appointment building coming closer I heard someone say "Cherry tree...

I'm done I hope you like it. I'm sorry it's all over the place but I tried. Anyways bye.
With love~
                 Midnight Shadow<3

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