An auction?

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"Yamaguchi. " kiyoko said.


"Uhh... no one's here...", Yamaguchi said nervously.

Kiyoko sighed and looked at yachi who was confused.
"We know you're here Yamaguchi."

Yamaguchi gave up and peeked his head out to get a view of both of them.

"How'd you find me?"

Yachi giggled nervously while kiyoko grinned.

"We saw you sneak into the storage room while the others were tackling Tsukishima." Kiyoko said.

Yamaguchi's POV-
Thank god it's them who found me or is it good?

No one POV-
Yamaguchi lifted himself up keeping his eye contact with the two girls. He was slightly nervous.

"You're not going to do anything to me, right?" Yamaguchi questioned with a hint of nervousness.

Kiyoko and yachi glanced at each other and let out a chuckle, they smiled innocently at Yamaguchi.

"We're not gonna do anything to you."

"Yup" yachi agreed with kiyoko while nodding her head back and Forward. Yamaguchi's suspicion rate has gone up. He was sweating and nervously staring at the two "innocent" girls.

"You should come with us, so they won't find you." Yachi suggested.

Yamaguchi agreed and let yachi hold him like a baby. Yachi looked at Yamaguchi then towards kiyoko and winked at her which was suspicious to Yamaguchi of course. Suddenly Yamaguchi felt goosebumps as the three of them exit the storage room.

As they were walking Yamaguchi saw Tsukishima tied to the bench. Yamaguchi wanted to signal Tsukishima for help but he can see that Tsukishima can't move.

"Um... where are you taking me?" Yamaguchi asked.

But they didn't say anything, they were walking until they stopped. On the stage in the gym yachi handed kiyoko a megaphone.

"Every volleyball club members, please make your way to the gym."

In a flash, all the members (not including Daichi and the three others).

Seriously they could be secret track runners, Yamaguchi thought to himself. Eyes were on Yamaguchi, like they were hungry and didn't eat anything in forever. What is this "Attack on Titan".

"Who starts off first!" Kiyoko shouted
"2,578 ¥!" suga yelled. ( $25 US dollars)
"3,094 ¥ ! " Noya argued. ( $30 US dollars

They were auctioning him. Yamaguchi couldn't believe his eyes, they were selling him?! Without his consent!?

"You guys betrayed me!" Yamaguchi protested

Kiyoko and Yachi gave Yamaguchi a smirk.

"We need the money." Kiyoko sneered.

"No hard feelings?" Yachi said.

Now that's just sad. Yamaguchi has been betrayed, he's starting to regret ever letting them take him away.

"5,560 ¥ !" Hinata yelled. ($50 US dollars)

Kageyama swiftly turned to Hinata with a shocking.

"Boke! Hinata, you know we're poor!"Kageyama shouted.

Hinata turned to Kageyama slowly and determined.

"I'll beg." Hinata firmly said.

Kageyama was about to tell Hinata how stupid he was until they heard a loud voice coming close to them.

"What's going on here!" Daichi stormed.

Everyone had their attention to Daichi. Yamaguchi sighs in relief that he had been saved.

"An auction?" Narita asked.
"Looks like a black market sale" kinoshita uttered.

"How do you know what they look like!?"
"Oh.. I been to one."
"... what were they selling?"
"A goat."
"Hm.. who won?"

Narita stared at kinoshita worriedly, but kinoshita didn't seem to be affected by himself.

"Did you figure out how to turn Yamaguchi back to normal?" Asahi blurted out.

"Yea!, Yamaguchi just needs to rest and hopefully turn back to normal tomorrow."
Daichi replied.

"Really? All that time just to come up with that answer." Suga stated.

"We were busy.,." Daichi reassured.

Ya " busy", kinoshita and Narita thought to themselves as they look into the distance preparing for a flashback.

-The Flashback-

"Uno." Narita mentioned.

Daichi sighed while kinoshita huffed in annoyance. Ennoshita was so irritated he didn't think before he spoke.

"Fu*king! Bit-

-End of Flashback-

Ennoshita faked coughed to get that moment out of his head.

" well that seems easy, right Yamaguchi?" Tanaka asked.

Yamaguchi was not in the arms of yachi in fact he wasn't anywhere to be seen. They panicked and looked around. They noticed that Tsukishima wasn't tied to the bench anymore.

Yachi was clueless and confused on why all of them were shocked. She looked down at her arms and noticed Yamaguchi wasn't there anymore.

"YAMAGUCHI ?!" Yachi screamed.

A day as a baby - Yamaguchi Where stories live. Discover now