Chapter One

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I washed the blood off me, watched it pour down the drain. My shouders sagged. And i could feel my wounds start heal.

I knew i should feel triumph, the rest of my pack does. They throw a party after each victory, after all they deserve one for escaping death yet again. But i felt empty. I had no meaning, all i did was kill, i'm good at it. But i don't even enjoy it anymore. Each fight i had almost wished for death. Then chided myself for being weak, everyone knew i am not weak. My own pack members will hardly look me in the eye. I can't blame them. My temper has just been getting worse.

And i keep dreaming of her. This beautiful dark haired beauty. She has pale white skin and glowing green eyes. And i wanted her so bad. She has to be my mate.

But why havent i found her yet?

She was all i can think about.  I even had an artist draw her, so i could look at her when ever i wanted, but after returning from a hunt, the painting had disapeared. i went on a rampage. But nothing turned up. My guess, an ex lover took it, somehow not leaving her scent.

Went to bed early so i could see her face.

Liz's POV:

Mother woke me up promptly at 7. Like every morning, even Sundays. She always says a lady doesnt sleep past 7.

So my week began, on scehdule, like always. I did as i was told, did what was expected and ate the same foods. On paper, my life should be full of joy and pride. But instead i felt empty. And just tired, its like if i looked ahead to the future, my life would be almost the same as now, except i'd probably have more studying to do. I was expected to be perfect and it wore me out.

But when i thought of my future, i thought of him. The man that haunted my dreams. His beautiful blue eyes pierced right through me.


i sighed, as Mother called my name once more. Where was that handome man to save me?

Finally, at 5'oclock on the dot i was done with the day. It was now my own until my bedtime at 9:00. I know kind of odd that a nineteen year old womad had a bedtime. But i did.

So i put my jogging gear on and took off into the alley before Mother could think of something else i needed to do. Running kept me sane. It was something i could control. Something i enjoyed.

As my jog came to end, the sun started to go down. I had just turned the alley when an arm reached out and wrapped around my mouth. I tried to scream and kick, but the whoever it was hit me, it took two hits to knock me out.

"This isn insane" A high pitched male voice groaned somewhere next to me. "How do we know shes his mate? And if she is he will kill us all!"

"Ye of little faith" A deeper more irritated voice said. "This plan is flawless, Boss said so himself. Theres no way he can take all of us, he'll give himself up no problem."

"What if he had planned to reject her?"

"He's an alpha, if his mates in trouble he's gonna act. Its in his blood. Besides look at her, who would deny such a beautiful creature. Heck maybe ill get her after this is done"

The voices sounded far away and what they were saying didnt make sense to me. But i had a feeling they were talking about me.

I slowly opened my eyes when i could no longer hear the voices. The sunlight coming through the bared windows hurt my eyes.

wait..sunlight?? Mother had to be freaking out by now.

I was in a small room, lying on a queen bed with gold sheets, a large wardrobe sat on the far wall. It was a beautiful room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2015 ⏰

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