Ulyssey, the tv-series

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This great story is about a man, who is in constant sorrow and struggle, and is just trying to get back home to his family.
Location; all over the place.

Episode 1;
Thanks to his genius, and guided by Athena, the Greeks were able to conquer Troy. Some of the Greeks have had happy endings, but, for poor Odysseus who now had one goal in mind, he wants to return to his family, in Ithaca, but little did he know that the journey before him would have countless challenges.
For seven years now, Ulysses has been in the gentle care of the daughter of Atlas; Calypso, but the wisest of the Greeks longed for his home, and most importantly, he longed for his family.
The gods took pity on great Odysseus, except for Poseidon, which will be explained later, and while the gods came up with a plan to bring Ulysses home, Athena, in disguise went to Telemachus the son of Odysseus and Penelope, Minerva put the young man on a quest to find his father, while Penelope was constantly being asked to marry one of the men who all refused to leave her and  Odysseus' house..... yeah...
Like Sinbad the sailor, Odysseus was about to embark on many adventures, facing new terrain and monsters along the way, and with one goal in mind, getting home to his family in Ithaca, and along the way, we will also hear tales of his son's adventures, and as Lao Tzu would say;
" A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step "
Brave Telemachus gives a speech in an attempt to make the suitors leave his house and his mother alone, but unlike the speech Alexander gave his men, according to the historian Arrian, Telemachus' speech failed.
Enraged and shamed, Telemachus prepares for his journey, while Athena finds him a ship and a crew, the noble son of Odysseus now sets out to find his brave and wise father.

Episode 2;
Telemachus, his crew, and Athena in disguise, reached the city of Neleus, fair Pylos, where Nestor was King.
After having arrived at the home of Nestor, Telemachus and Athena were invited to drink and eat, while honey-tongued Nestor told tales of the fates of some of the Greeks from the Trojan war.
Nestor told of the tragic fate of Agamemnon, Nestor also told of the death of Achilles, Patroclus and Ajax the great, Nestor also mentioned that the Myrmidons were led safely home by Achilles' son, Neoptolemos.
Nestor however, had now news of what happened to great Ulysses, so he advised Telemachus to seek out Menelaus in mighty Sparta.
After many tales, cheer and drinks, Nox had now shown her beauty in the sky.
When the light deities yet again showed themselves on the sky the next day, Telemachus was on his way to Sparta, on a chariot Nestor had promised him, along with one of Nestor's sons.
Minerva would not physically accompany the son of Ulysses, but she would watch over him.
Telemachus and Pisistratus the son of Nestor, had now arrived at the home of Menelaus, the king's home was like Olympus on earth.
Telemachus and Pisistratus were welcomed by Menelaus with open arms, after Menelaus had found out that Telemachus was Odysseus' son, he was filled with joy, he, and his wife; the beautiful Helen, now started to talk about some of Ulysses' achievements, that in was in large part thanks to great Odysseus that the Greeks won the Trojan war, which resulted in Menelaus finally being reunited with his lovely wife; Helen.
The next day, Menelaus tells Telemachus of his encounter with the old man of the sea, the god known as Proteus.
The old man told Menelaus many things, like the fact that Odysseus was alive, on an island, as Calypso's prisoner.
Telemachus was overjoyed to no end, but that joy was not to last, for back at Ithaca, the suitors were hatching plans to kill the son of Ulysses.

On that sad note, here are some more Di-Vines!
(Credit to Red from OSP, and the viners)

" Hey, so I think you're pretty cute. So I was wondering if you wanted to go out- but Aphrodite cuts Ares off- " Pretty cute? I'M A GODDESS!! " said Venus rather insulted.

Episode 3;
The gods and goddess were having a meeting atop Mount Olympus.
After all this time, enough was enough, and Athena asked her father to allow Odysseus to finally get home to his wife and son.
Zeus, having taken pity on poor Ulysses, now deemed that Odysseus was to begin his journey back home, Hermes was sent to inform Calypso of Jove's decree.
Calypso was angered by the messengers news, but she was not bold, or stupid enough, to go against the will of Zeus, with that, Odysseus made a raft and Calypso gave him food for his long voyage.
It was now time to head home!...... buuuuuuuuut, this being Odysseus, hardship was close to follow.
From within Atlantis, sat all-mighty Poseidon, who had just returned from Ethiopia, the god of the seas and earthquakes, was still very vexed towards Ulysses, so the god sent a mighty wave that made quick work of Odysseus' poor raft, Ulysses was now struggling against the mighty water, Ino, the daughter of Cadmus and a once mortal woman, and now a marine goddess had taken pity on Odysseus, she then gave Ulysses a veil, which would help Odysseus against the unforgiving tides.
After much struggling and help by Athena, Ulysses finally reached an island, where he was safe, for now.
Odysseus had landed on the Island of the Phaeacians, while Ulysses slept, Athena went into the city of the Phaeacians, to get the help of the daughter to King Alcinous, Nausicaa.
Nausicaa, along with her two maids, went to the shore were Odysseus laid asleep, the three women washed their clothes and ate, they even played some ball, and it was their joy and excitement that awoke Odysseus, who then implored the Princess for help, which she granted.
Nausicaa gave Ulysses some clothes, for the poor guy was starked naked, she also gave him some food, afterwards, the Princess, along with her maids and Odysseus, now all return to the kingdom of King Alcinous.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2020 ⏰

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