My Guardian Demon (Pt. 2!)

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[A.N: Alright so... um... this was requested by a friend a long time ago and I didn't really think much of it because they told me not to do it buuut... yeah I'mma do it anyway.]

So... Lucifer's been... acting weird lately. I have no idea what it is exactly, but he almost seems to be trying to isolate me from everyone else. Like he's purposefully hanging around in his creepy demon form rather than his more normal appearance that I'm used to.

"Luce... do you mind?" I asked him one day after scaring off another guy with his angel.

Lucifer recoiled back and looked at me, hiding the fangs he was just baring. "What? I'm just doing my job." he said innocently.

I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Your job is to protect me-"

"And is that not what I'm doing?"

I stared at him. "No. It isn't."

Lucifer spluttered. "Yes! Yes it is what I'm doing! You're just blind and can't understand what protection is." He huffed and folded his arms.

"Lucy... you've scared fifteen guys this week alone."

My demon shrugged. "So?"

"Several of those people were my friends-"

"You don't need friends." He said defiantly and shifting into his form that I was most used to. "Not when you've got me at least!"

"Will you quit cutting me off?!"

"Jeez! Someone's a little feisty human today."

I rolled my eyes. "You not only scared off my friends, you scared them so much they when and told the teacher who called my parents and almost got you replaced!"

Lucifer mock gasped, putting one hand over his heart and another to his head, bending back oh-so dramatically. "I'm so sorry my dearest Maia, I never meant to startle your friends so much. I just wanted to enjoy a nice scare."

I scoffed. "Whatever, you also scared off my crush from even talking to me again."

"Wait I did?" He seemed like he learned a piece of new information.

"Uh yeah!"

"When?" He cocked his head, trying to think. He's scared so many people over the past few weeks, it must be hard to keep track of everyone he's already 'taken care of.' "Oh wait! Wasn't he that one boy-"

"Yeah, he was that one boy." I said, becoming annoyed. I no longer had friends because of Lucifer. He'd scared off everyone. Tears of anger and frustrations began to wet my eyes. I quickly scrubbed them away with the back of my hand before Lucifer could see.

"You're upset." he said. D***, I forgot he smells feelings.

"Well no sh** Sherlock." I spat. "You chased away everyone I cared about here, you've isolated me from everyone, and you've been trying to keep me all to yourself!"

Lucifer looked taken aback. He'd seen me get angry before and would continue to egg me on and encourage it, but he'd never seen me be angry with him. Frustrated, yes. But anger is another story.

Lucifer hung his head like I'd figured him out. "Yes... I have been a bit selfish." he quietly admitted. "And I haven't been exactly say... 'protecting' you either."

I sniffed as tears began streaming. I scrubbed at them harder with the back of my hand. "What do you mean?"

Lucifer looked like he'd been caught. "Uh, f***. Forget I said anything." And he quickly disappeared.

I dropped my stuff and plopped down in the center of the hallway. It was supposed to be a study hall for me, but I managed to escape my teacher. I was just out here wandering the school halls with Lucy until this all happened.

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