the new team at beacon

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After settling into his dorm yet again i tried contacting afina he had no idea if he was to far away or not and he successfully was able to touch her mind

"Master" afina called

"I hate you" I said

"No you don't anyway how is it to be back" afina asked

"I can tell it's gonna be stressful very stressful but today wasn't half bad" I said

"Well good news Lucy akame diana and saber are on their way to beacon to act as your team as needed there dragons will be living in forever fall I obviously am coming with them" afina said

"Couldn't they have sent hippolyta or erza or arya or alter they could help me with my stress" I asked

"That would be the point the four coming with are willing to let you take them as many times as you need" afina said

"well alright fine then when should I expect them" I asked

"We are landing now" afina said at that I shot up from my bed and quickly got up requipping into my shihakusho with his katana at his hip and running to the school courtyard still cursing afina's name while she chuckled at him he arrived not five minutes later to meet the four their dragons and afina herself

"Come on" jaune said

"Not gonna say hi to your dragon" afina sneered at her rider he sent her a murderous glare to which she giggled before taking flight he led them to ozpin's office

"Ah Mr arc and who may you four be" ozpin said

"New students I am sure you remember saber" I said ozpin nodded

"Welcome back miss pendragon" ozpin said earning him a glare from saber she doesn't like when untrustworthy people use her real name she only trusts my riders

"She prefers to be called saber I believe I told you that" I said

"Of course I apologize for my transgression" ozpin said I gestured for the other two to step forward

"The blond is named Lucy heartfilia she is one of my strongest riders" I said as she clenched the hilt of her katana she was still in pain for doing that those years ago even though her spirits wanted this

"And the raven haired girl is akame a trained and deadly assassin do not cross her or you will die" I said she just stared with an emotionless expression on her face

"And the last girl and princess of my riders diana you piss her off you pretty much have the entire population of riders hunting you" I said she bowed in respect

"Welcome to beacon" ozpin said

"They will be team celestial diana will lead them" I said

"Understood I here is your dorm your right across from team JNPR's dorm so if you would show them the way" ozpin asked

"Gladly oh and one last thing their dragons as well as my own are in the forest they will not attack so long as no one attacks them clear" I asked

"very" ozpin said I nodded and gestured for the four to follow

"We have a school dance coming up akame i want you to guard the CCT tower I hope you did research on the world before coming here" I said

"I did the CCT tower will be safe you think their is going to be an attack on it" akame asked

"I'm positive it will happen" I said

I showed them to their room reminded them mine was across the way ask if they need before returning to my dorm and going to bed for the night

jaune arc master of bladesWhere stories live. Discover now