The Little Witch

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Once upon a time, in an enchanted forest, there stood a treehouse. This treehouse was home to a little girl, named Kiara, and was a safe haven for any woodland creatures who wished to visit. However, there was one who wanted it all, for themselves.

That night, Kiara planned to have her animal friends over for dinner, but she didn't know what to make! Luckily, she still had plenty of time before she expected any guests to arrive. Unexpected guests, on the other hand, were a different story.

There was a faint buzzing, as a thumb-sized, shadowy being flew in through an open window. At first, Kiara thought it was a fly, but flies have wings. This thing did not. It appeared to be a very tiny old woman. She was dressed in a black cloak, her wrinkled head was topped with a wide-brimmed, pointy hat, and she was hunched over a little broom.

"Who are you?" Asked Kiara, surprised at the arrival of this strange visitor.

"My name is of no concern, to you!" Snapped the stranger.

"You may address me as, 'The Little Witch', the most powerful magical being, in the enchanted forest!" Cackled the Little Witch.

"Okay then, little witch, what are you doing here?" Kiara asked.

"Word in the woods is that you're having a little party. I thought it would be a great way to announce my moving day." The Little Witch said.

"Oh, that's nice. Where are you moving to, little witch?" Kiara replied.

"How nice of you to ask." The witch grinned.

"I'm moving into the treehouse, of course!" The Little Witch raised her tiny arms, to point around the room.

"Now, I'll give you until the end of the week to move out. I'm not heartless, after all." The Little Witch sneered.

"But if you don't, I'll just burn it all down!" The witch finished with a chortle and a cough.

Without much choice, Kiara accepted, and asked the witch about what food she would like for her party.

"Anything, as long as it isn't spicy! I can't stand the stuff." Said the witch. Her face twisted in disgust.

Now, Kiara knew exactly what to make for dinner. With a smile, and a nod, she walked into the kitchen, and got to work. Kiara tore though her cabinets, looking to make the spiciest chilli that she could. She wasn't going to let that mean old hag take her home without a fight.

Kiara finished prepping her meal, and called for the witch.

"My party isn't for a while, yet! Why are you calling me now?" Growled the Witch.

"Well, as host, it's expected of us to try the food to make sure our guests are happy." Kiara noted.

Kiara frowned, and said, "You wouldn't want your guests to leave early, would you?"

"Honestly, if they tried, I would just turn them into mushrooms, but if you insist. I am a little hungry." Replied the witch.

So, the little witch popped the lid off of a salt shaker, to use as a chair. Kiara then gave her some dishes, from a doll's set, to eat with. Kiara waved her arms, dramatically presenting the food, and said quite cheekily,

"Bon Appetit."

Before Kiara had even finished saying "bon", the little witch had gulped down her chilli. Who would have known that such a little witch had such a big mouth?

The Little Witch's face quickly turned red. Then she started to cough and sweat.

"Little girl," Rasped the witch, "you don't happen to have any milk, do you?"

Kiara shook her head. The witch started to look like a very ugly ladybird.

"Any water? ANYTHING?!" Gasped the witch.

Kiara smiled, and shrugged her shoulders.

"Is there a river nearby, that I can dunk myself into?" Begged the little witch.

"There is a stream, just out that way..." Kiara pointed as the witch flew out the window as fast as her broom could carry her.

Kiara peeked out of the window, with some binoculars, just in time to see the speck of a witch land at the edge of the stream. The Little Witch threw herself off her broom, dropped her head in the water, and started to drink.

While the witch quenched her thirst, she was unaware of the fish swimming towards her. With a splash, and a slurp, the little witch was nowhere to be seen. Her home, now safe from harm, Kiara readied the treehouse for her intended guests.

Later that evening, Kiara and her woodland friends were seated at a table. Everyone loved the meal, that Kiara called her "100% absolutely not spicy chilli". After hearing a forest sprite ask about how Kiara had bested the little witch, Kiara answered with a shrug.

"She couldn't handle the heat, so she got out of the kitchen."

The party roared with laughter, and continued to party, into the night. Where they all lived, happily ever after.

Until the next time.


The Little Witch Stories: A Spicy SolutionWhere stories live. Discover now