{{Chapter 8}}

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**********((Elsa's POV))***********
I was walking to my class after the bell rung. School is easy, I don't get why everyone is worried about grades and stuff. Yea, I'm one of those smart kids.

Before my mom died she always told me to be brave, respectful, and mature when I get older and that's exactly what I did. I gloried my parents and I still do to this day. My mom was so successful in life, I wanted to be just like her. So every day I practiced being the mature girl while Anna was, well, Anna I guess. She was crazy and fun and at times I wanted to be just like that but I knew I shouldn't. Yet once in a while I get a little crazy but never in front of Anna.

I never let anything come between me and my studies.

I looked at the trash can and I saw a little piece of paper. Pink actually, like a little post-it note yet crumbled up in a ball. It seemed familiar so I picked it up and un crumbled it. My hand writing, oh my, I WROTE THIS! This was the note to Jackson! I hope he read it! But I realized a chocolate finger print on the paper and saw Anna eating, the chocolate bar for JACKSON! I cant believe her! That little mother-

Ugh act civilized Elsa!

Then next thing you know tears came running down my eyes and I ran to the restroom. It was the first time I missed class, it was for a good cause though right. In the restroom some girl was in there having a death glare at the mirror. As I walked in she realized I was staring at her.

"What to want?" She rolled her eyes. "Why are you crying?"

"Um, nothing and it's just nothing." I sighed wiping my tears and looking down at my post-it note. The girl seemed very observant and noticed how sad I felt looking at the note and snatched it from me. "HEY! Give it back!" Reaching for the post-it.

"Dear JACKSON?" She yelled with her mouth opened. "Who the hell is this from?" She putting the note in my face.

"Me........" I muttered under my breath.

"YOU?" She yelled, ripping it in a million pieces. After a whole she turned around and looked at her self in the mirror and started fixing her hair calmly. Seriously? "Did he reject?" She asked curiously without yelling.

"Not really, I found it in the trash with a chocolate stain finger print, I put in on the chocolate bar I gave him. Next thing you know I see Anna, my sister, eating the chocolate bar which was for him." I said tears coming down my face. The girl gave me a look which showed that she understood. Then her eyes opened, very wide.

"Anna? As in Anna Arendelle?" She growled putting her hands on her hips. "I don't like her, Jack seems to like her more than he likes me. At lunch Anna asked for another chocolate that Jack already gave to her, and he said that she was 'special' so he gave her his locker code. I was there at lunch, I'm so sorry." Hot tears came harder down in my face.

"B-But w-what did-d I ever d-do to deserve-e this?" I sobbed and covered my face with my hands. "I thought w-we were sisters." Then she made an slightly evil grin.

"What's your name?" She questioned. "Elsa?" I replied. "My name is Lee Shay, I am the second most popular girl in this entire school, and I have power in this school like for-" she looked around the room and whispered in my ear "- revenge."

"Revenge?" I said peeking through my fingers.

***********((Anna's POV))**********

Elsa never was late to a class. I was worried.

Punzie told me not to worry Elsa maybe had something urgent to do.

Today we had P.E. so it wasn't really a class. We had to run around the track 7 times. The yard was HUGE. So it seemed like it was 100 miles each time around. Running isn't my thing, sometimes I cant believe people do it as a hobby. Our P.E. coach was named Coach D and he was very strict. He would NEVER let us stop to drink water or take a break until after class.

Rapunzel, Merida, and I jogged around the track together and talked about TV shows and stuff like that.

"Hey guys, did you hear about the new girl in school coming in January?" Merida asked.

"Nope, what's her name?" Rapunzel asked. "Astrid. She came from Florida. She's moving right next to me." Merida said as we jogged around the track. "I cant wait to meet her." I smiled, Astrid, I always wanted a name like that.

After 7 laps our coach made us play soccer, which I don't know how to play exactly. So then we started the game and I was goalie, like that person who could use hands and protects the ball. So Hiccup came over with the soccer ball and passes it to Merida, and she passes it again. I am so confused here but when ever my team cheers I cheer. They haven't really gotten close. But then Rapunzel (which isn't on my team) steals from some girl she passes it to Jack and he kicks at my goal. I have NO IDEA what to do. So I put I hands up and the ball slams my face. It hurt so bad!

"Are you okay?" Rapunzel comes up to me. "Did you like break your nose?" Hiccup asks. "Shut up Hiccup!" Merida squints at Hiccup. Everyone starts crowding me with billions of questions.

"IM FINE..... I think..... " I yell at everyone to clam down.

"So was it a goal?" Some boy asks. Are you kidding me? I was expecting the coach to tell me to get an ice pack or send me home or something but he just made me sit on the bench and watch the rest of the game.

***********((Jack's POV))**************

I didn't mean for that to happen.

I was going to say sorry but everyone was crowding her so I never got the chance. Man, I cant do anything right.

After school I saw Anna reading some letter and her eyes opened wide. Then she stuffed the note in her pocket and turned to me and waved. "Hey Jack." She nervously said.

"Hi Anna, sorry about the whole soccer thing...." Anna smiled. "It's okay, I'm fine see? No harm done." She chuckled while we walked to the front of the school. "I have this stupid essay to do. Supposed to be like, 100 pages long I think." Anna groaned. "What's your homework?"

"I dunno just some project about Social Studies" I shrugged. "Lucky!" Anna said rolling her eyes. "Well gotta go, Elsa is driving her car to our house so bye Jack!"

"Bye..." I waved watching Anna run then get in her sisters jeep. But I realized she dropped something while she ran, it seemed like the nite Anna was looking at. It was a warning note, like a threat. And I knew exactly who it was from.


🌸HAI! I hope you guys are enjoying these!🌸
I'm not the best writer but I try 😉
Like the banner I made?😜
Not much to say but......,,,

BAI ~ Rainbowww 🌺

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