What is that..?

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What Delia saw what some thin she would never forget, a tall black figure standing right outside of their tent.. Delia asked, " w-who are you? ". The black figure just stay in dead silence, so Delia asked again, " who are you!? ". Still dead silence.. until..

The black figure starting walking towards her, Delia had no clue what do to. She had no clue what the black figure was doing or going to do. She ran as fast as she could, she looked back once and didn't see the black figure there anymore. She thought, " w-what?, I j-just saw it where did it go? ". The thought of it, just stayed in Delia's head, without knowing what had happened she still wanted to know where the black figure had went. But for now it stayed as a mystery.. was the black figure real? Or was it just Delia's head messing with her?.

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