Chapter 7

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*TRIGGER WARNING: suicide, self-hate*

*Tyler's POV*

With her sobbing in my arms, Apollo howled in pain.

Do something, idiot! She's your mate! He screamed at me

I am, dumbass! She needs to let this out! She also finally accepted  me as her mate! What do you want me to do, kiss her?!


 I did what she asked. I stayed with her all night. After she stopped crying, she never moved besides her chest rising and falling with her breath. I knew I would have to leave tomorrow and go back to my pack, where everyone thought I had been sleeping in the woods, and not a soul knew this wonderful, crazy, powerful girl was my mate. My friends were suspicious of how I acted the first day of school, but never said anything. So I avoided her. 

I would tell them after I marked her, whenever that was.

*Sirena's POV*

I can't believe I let my guard down like that. Just how stupid was I?! I was supposed to be leading him on with my sarcastic self, and I just broke?!

No one has ever seen me like that outside of my family, ever!  I was thankful, though. Tyler did what I asked and just stayed with me. No prying, kissing, or abandoning me. That was a first. Still fuming, I wanted to hide under a rock and scream. He shouldn't have seen my like that. I shouldn't have let it get to that point! Ugh!

"You okay?" A sleepy voice muttered. I was still in the same position from last night. 

"Yes, fine, thank you." I looked around the room. It was a miracle my family decided to leave me alone now that we were on land.

"Sirena, I can hear your heart racing." Oops. "By the way, thank you for opening up last night. I was beginning to think you didn't have emotions." 

I turned to get up, but an arm grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back down.

"No." He pouted.

"Is this how it's always going to be? You sneaking into my room and harassing me, nothing else?"

"I told you to let me take you out. And what did you say?" Tyler huffed.

"You are not taking me out." I got out of bed and shook a finger at him.

"Then I guess I'll just have to keep coming back and 'harassing you', was it?"

"Not if I kill you." I stated bluntly. He rose and stepped towards me.

"You couldn't kill me if you had a gun to my head, babe." He trailed a finger down my cheek. Ew. I snatched his wrist. I told him I hated that kind of touch.

"Don't test me, alpha." I spat. He twisted my arm around my back, so I faked a cry and he released me.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry I never meant to hurt-" I punched him in the gut, and he folded. I took this opportunity to wrap my legs around him from behind and put him in a choke-hold. He gasped for air and I leaned to his ear.

"I don't have a gun to your head, alpha." I whispered, and squeezed tighter. He tapped out, and I release and shot up on my feet. "Having fun yet?"

Tyler rose and pinned me to the wall.

"You're so hot." My face was blank. Something clicked in my mind, and it was like it shut off. The darkness had consumed me once again.


I had just got home and my whole family was in the living room watching TV already. I asked what they were watching and no one answered. I asked about training and my dad said we would skip it tonight. Did I do something wrong?

This had happened before. Sometimes I wouldn't hang out with my family so much they would just forget about me. I didn't mention it before. Because I was so unique and now we were out of danger on land, they didn't care as much, unless they needed something. Sorry if I gave the impression my family is perfect, they're not. Even if it was mermaid forgetfulness that made them this way, I was still a part of their family.

I just headed up to my room, and went to remove my mascara. When I picked my head up, I caught sight of a pocket knife that had fallen in the corner.

A wave of depression passed over me like fog. I could feel my eyes turn grey as I flicked the blade open. After being pushed to my touch limit, I shut down. Tyler tried to talk to me at school and I just shrugged. 

Maybe I should just die. No one could kidnap me, or try to date me then leave when I wouldn't kiss them, or forget about me again and again and again. I held the knife to my wrist, the coolness of the blade almost soothing. Blood spilled as I yanked it and cried out softly. Moving to my other wrist, I heard my balcony doors burst open as I released more blood. Tyler  stood in the doorway to my bathroom, eyes wide with surprise and swimming with pain.  

"Don't look so glum, it's not like you really loved me anyway." Were my last words before I fell to the ground.

Faded shouts entered the back of my mind. I felt like I phased through reality and ended up in a hospital with an IV in my wrist where I cut myself open. Looks like I wasn't lucky enough to die this time. My mermaid healing was too quick.

"Are you feeling okay?" A soft voice echoed through my mind. It bounced off the walls of my skull before I could comprehend what this person said.

"Just peachy." I spoke. The depression wave ceased now. For some reason, I felt more so free. My voice sounded like someone else's. I opened my eyes to me in a hospital bed, but not a hospital. "Where am I?"

"The pack healing house. Your wrists have healed nicely, thanks to my paste." I looked over to a beautiful girl with red hair and blue eyes. She looked at me with care. "The alpha is worried sick about you. Do you think you can walk, Luna?"

Luna? Me?

"Uhm, I can try. Just show me where he is and I'll get there eventually." I chuckled in a hoarse voice. The nurse informed me I was out for a couple hours, and Tyler had quite the shouting fight with my family before bringing me here. She pointed outside to where there was a large colonial house, and that I had to go up the stairs and to the left. She also asked if I needed any help since I was human, but I shook my head.

The house was beautiful inside, very homey. I figured I would visit Tyler before going home and trying to get the attention of my family again. I was so stupid to try and kill myself. That was way too dramatic.

I stopped at the door I assumed led to Tyler's bedroom. What if he didn't like me anymore? I pushed the thought away as I turned the doorknob to a modern bedroom. My heart sped up as my eyes caught the sight of Tyler sleeping. He looked so peaceful, even without me there. I walked over to him, trying not to make a lot of noise as I climbed under the silk sheets. This was pretty nice.

I tried to fall back asleep, but I couldn't stop thinking. Thinking about what it must have been like, seeing your mate kill themselves. Claiming you didn't love them anyway, so it didn't matter. I needed to have better control over my emotions. That was an awful thing to do. Maybe I should just-


I shuffled closer to Tyler's back and whispered in his ear, my voice cracking.

"Sorry about that."


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Love you guys,


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