Luna, Luna, Luna

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Oh Luna my dear.

When you are with me, I know no fear.

Your song pierces each crevice of my very soul.

Your aria, I long for, and long for it sole.

I know I cannot reach you,

Nor prove I burn true.

But I shall let the Dusk and Dawn forever witness, 

How the mere thought of you drives me witless.

Oh Luna my sweet.

Always invigorating my heart's beats.

Though all I can do is but gaze from under my sheets,

I long for that day when you and I shall finally meet.

Your light fills me with power.

Power that cannot be stopped.

And when I feel I am beyond topped,

I await your warmth for it's healing hour.

Oh Luna my love.

Why is it that this world is so cruel?

I leave myself to barley and broth,

Yet I'm always left tired and love-ill.

I've no hope of overcoming the competition.

I need no further sign.

So why is there no stop to the repetition,

That you are never to be mine?

Luna, Luna, LunaWhere stories live. Discover now