Chapter 3 Be still child, for greater adventures awaits

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In the dark valley and castle, the king stood as a prisoner in his enemies command. The cold stone walls surrounding him and the metal poles that kept him inside made the king worried for his people sake. For without their king to protect them and without the power of the moonstone, his enemy was free to roam however he pleased in Moonvalley. As the king sat down on the moist bed, he held his hands for his eyes as he couldn't bare to think of everything that would happened.

Suddenly, the heavy metal door from further away opened and heavy footsteps could be heard approaching the kings cell. He stood up in a quick motion, eager to find out if someone had came for his rescue. As the footsteps approached him the king could make out a familiar figure. The man that approached him with heavy steps had thick white hair with crystal clear green eyes that seemed to shine through the darkness. He was wearing a black army west, with long thick black pants and heavy high black boots that echoed through the walls as soon as he took a step. The king peered with disgust on the man as the white haired man stopped right in front of his cell. The kings eyes matched the white haired mans eyes and as they stood there, eye to eye, the king soon realized that if someone wouldn't act soon, a war was yet to come. A war, neither of them could stop.

Jade stood up in the middle of the classroom again as her phone could be heard ringing from her pocket. Her daydream had made her lost grip of reality and for a moment she didn't realize she was in the classroom in the first place. Mr. Andrews turned around as the phone rang and looked with his irritated eye on Jade.

"Miss Winchester, how many times do I have to ask you to not disturb the class?" Said he, while his hands twisted in his arms.

"Sorry Mr. Andrews, it won't happen again."She responded and started walking out of the classroom to answer her phone. Jade could feel everyones eyes peer into her neck as she walked out and closed the door. She pressed the phone towards her ear and a woman with kind and calming voice could be heard on the other end.

"Miss Winchester?" She asked.

"Yes that's me, who's this?"

"Miss Winchester, I'm sorry to disturb you, but I come with unfortunate news."She said, sounding a bit weaker."It's your grandmother Miss Winchester, I'm afraid she's very sick and doesn't have long left."

Jade felt her heart sink down in her stomach as she said those words. A million thoughts ran through her head, but only one stuck and it was "why couldn't that woman have listened to me when I told her to go to a doctor."

"Is she at the hospital?"Jade asked, trying to sound calm when she was falling apart inside.

"Yes Miss Winchester, she's asking for you."

Jade hung up the phone as soon as she realized she didn't have much time. She ran through the hallway in school, pushed everyone that got in her way and bashed open the school doors.

While outside, Jade ran as fast and hard as her legs could. All this time she kept playing out death scenarios in her mind, what it would feel like to lose her grandmother, how lonely she would be, how everything would change and how her world world become even darker than before. Her heart pumped in her chest and she could hear it pounding in her ears.

When she finally reached the hospital she bashed in the doors and stopped as everyones eyes peered at her. With quick and heavy steps, she walked up to the from desk and a woman with round glasses looked confused at her.

"Lorraine Winchester, where is she?"

"Name."The woman said with a plain voice.

"I just told you!"Jade cried as her heart pumped even faster.

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