A Demon w/ a Growing Heart

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Sadao looked up at the ceiling while his loyal demon,also known as Shirō slept.He was thinking...thinking...and thinking for about 15 minutes after it was time to sleep.He had work tomorrow.

"Why did I even bother to help her...I'm the Demon Lord...so what's the point in watching my time to help a low life like herself...." He shrugged it off and drifted off to sleep.

Morning then shined through the window and then he was off.Sadou rode his bike down the sidewalk then saw that it began to rain.

"Aww man..." a voice in from of him spoke.Sadao looked to see that it was you who was staring up at the sky with an umbrella in your hand.You quickly opened it before the sign of the light switched.

"Gosh,I don't remember her name." He bit his lip before approaching."Hey!" he called out and waved catching your attention.Luckily he wasn't going so fast so he stopped once he reached you.

"Sadao right?" you guessed and smiled while holding an umbrella over you both.Sadao nodded and smiled but felt slightly embarrassed because he forgot yours."I'm (F/N)" you giggled while slightly blushing.the rain in the background made it obvious.

You didn't notice it but Sadao was blushing also.The light switches and he left quickly.

"Bye (F/N)! He waved goodbye then headed to work.

Sadao was being the usual amazing employee at MgRonalds (I feel so stupid saying that).While working the door opened and he spoke with his close friend Chiho Sasaki.

"Welcome to MgRonalds!" Sadao opened his eyes to then see you.You were looking around the whole place mostly clueless about where you should go or what you should do.

---Sadao Maou's P.O.V---

I never knew she would show up in a place like this.Plus why would she eat fast food?I chuckle slightly just thinking of the worse thing.

"Mr.Maou..." I heard Chi-chan then a tug on my shirt.I snapped into reality then glance at Chi-chan.Her cheeks were puffed as if she was annoyed."She trying to get her To Go,Mr.Maou." I turned to look at (F/N) who had a cute smile on her face.I never knew she could be like that either.

"Hello." she said. "Sadao Maou." she kept smiling and I smirked a bit.Luckily,I remembered her name.Chi-chan had her arms crossed whenever I looked at her.I was making fries and at least 3 burgers.Why did she need so much.I gave the bag to (F/N) and she gave the money needed.

"Thank you." she bowed then started walking off.

"Come again!" Me and Chi-chan said.

"Fatty..."Chi-chan mumbled.

I knew I shouldn't laugh because that was rude but it seemed like she was reading my mind earlier.

"C'mon Chi-chan, we can't be talking behind the backs of our customers." I responded then went into the background to change back before heading home.

"Bai Bai Mr.Maou!" Chi-chan said while waving goodbye as I rode my bike away.

The rain must've stopped while I was changing so only dark skies and the smell of rain was present.I then see (F/N)'s hair color in the distance.She was sitting on the ground with the same food in her hands.She was kneeling down in front of an alley way holding out the MgRonalds food.Was she feeding it to stray animals.I stopped my bike close by and watched from afar.

"C'mere..." I heard her sweet time whisper. "It's alright.." She smiled.I can't believe how stupid humans are.Feeding animals...wait...When I narrowed my eyes,small hands reached.Small children were coming from around the corner of the alley then took some food.One bite and they began to hoover it.

I smiled then (F/N)'s eyes turned towards me.

--Back to Normal P.O.V--

You stood up and waved farewell to the young children.They looked like that could leave them healthy (kinda) for the next week.You stopped in front of Sadou who's height was taller then yours.

"Were you here the whole time?" you asked and tilted your head to stare at him.

"Maybe..."He decided to leave you wondering but you knew that if people say that it definitely means yes.

"Stalker much~?" You laughed softly then turned away to walk.Sadou didn't want you to go so quickly so he reached out and grabbed your arm then squeezed it a bit to hard."S-Sadao~!" a strange sound escaped your lips. Sadao's face turned red and his body shook slightly as hot air breathed out of his mouth.Realizing the sound you quickly pulls your arm away."S-Sorry!" you took off.

Sadao stood there with two hands on the handles of his bike.His heart was beating so fast that it felt like it was almost countless.Rain then fell once again.

"DEMON KIIIING!!" a voice shouted then attacked Sadou out of the blue.It was Emi who looked like a really pissed off bull."WHAT DID YOU DO?!" She hit him once.

"Ahh! what are you talking about?!" Sadao blocked himself from another hit.

"I saw what happened! Laying your filthy hands on her! YOU PERVERTED DEMON!" She formed her hand into a fist.Sadao slipped away then quickly got back on his bike.

"B-Bye!" Sadao pedaled off quickly leaving Emi shouting.

---Hours later---

Sadao stared up at the ceiling once again with Shirō sleeping beside him.His heart began to hurt slightly and Sadou winced at the new feeling.The feeling felt calm,slightly nervous,and mostly indescribable

"I..." Sadao said to himself softly
"Love..." He squeezed his chest area where his heart is normally placed then closes his eyes shut.

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