
45 3 17

    I know a girl for around 15 years, she tries to find happiness in the smallest of things. Loves too much for her own good. Tries to make everyone happier and just wants to be loved.

She a disappointment and a failure she failed school cry's herself to sleep every night, lost herself and recently taken up to suicidal thoughts.

She wants to thank all off you so so much you have brought happiness to her so so much she could really be herself and happy. She has parents that are way to good for her she doesn't deserve them and doesn't blame that they would love her brother more. He is better in her in everything while being younger. She lost all her friends, they don't like her they backstabbed her told her things that were false and made her fail completely. The guy she has liked and he lead her own while telling her he's in likes her friend.

No one cares enough to see she fakes a smile every single day and cry's so so much to let the pain go she wants everything to stop. But doesn't want to give up just yet.

But what if it is the time to give up. She really loves everyone who she has met on this app and is thankful for them.

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