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{Jimin's POV}

It's about two in the morning and Sasha, Jungkook, and I are in the hotel gym.

I have been right on Sasha's heels ever since she tried to stab herself in the eye this morning. She scared the living shit out of me and now I'm keeping an eye on her at all times.

I have no idea what she was thinking!!! I know she's been going through a rough time, we both have, but I thought she was handling it pretty well thus far. I had no idea that this was the space she'd been in mentally. She told me it was just an urge, but feelings like that don't just suddenly pop up.

On the other hand, if it really did come out of nowhere like she said it did, it could happen again at any given moment and I need to be right there to stop her.

Regardless, it'll be a cold day in hell before I let her take her own life. I'm not letting her.

"28... 29... 3-"

"Your form is sloppy, start over." Jungkook says, and Sasha groans.

I'm working out my abs on another machine nearby.

"15... 16... 17-"

"You're still doing it wrong, but I'm not gonna make you do it again. Why's your form so bad today?" He folds his arms with a serious expression.

"I don't know." She replies.

His face lights up like a light bulb went off in his head. "Maybe you just need something heavier, I know you like a challenge."

"That might not be the best idea." I warn him, but he just ignores me as he picks out some heavier weights for her. I get off of the machine I was using, walking over to them.

"Jimin stop, I can do it see?" Jungkook positions the heavy barbell in her small hands and she eagerly does two reps.

But on the third rep, her face goes blank and her arms start shaking like they're about to give out. I can't tell if she's doing the thing again or if she's just gasing out, but I'm not about to risk her dropping this weight and crushing her chest.

I quickly grab the bar with one hand and place it back on the rack. "No, you're struggling."

"Why would you do that?! I was doing good!" She frowns.

I give her that 'don't push your luck' look. "No, you're done for today."

"I agree, your crappy technique was starting to piss me off." Jungkook sides with me as he starts setting up the bench press machine next to hers.

"You know what? I'm going back to the room, bye."

She gets up off the bench and starts to walk away, but I (rather aggressively) grab her wrist. "No you're not."

Jungkook's looking at me with a confused expression on his face, and I lighten my tone. "I mean- Just wait for me, I wanna do a couple more things." I say letting her go.

"Are you two ok?" Jungkook asks with an eyebrow raised.

He has no idea what the two of us have been through today.

Sasha and I exchange worried glances before I respond. "Yeah" I answer casually.

"Are you sure? You guys disappeared for hours..."

She's still looking at me nervously, but I'm not going to tell him what she did. We have it under control, and I don't even feel like explaining all of that to him right now.

"We're fine, don't worry." I smile faintly. "We just had a rough morning, that's all."

"I think we all had a rough morning, my hand still hurts from you using it as a chew toy." He chuckles.

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