Chapter15-Pay Back's A B*tch

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Tate POV

Hey guys. Um, a lot has happened in the past week & a half. I found out that I was pregnant last weekend. Roc knows & is being really supportive. Roc & I were upstairs in my room watching tv & talking about the baby. It was a knock at the door.

Me: I'll get it

I went downstairs & to the door. It was Diggy.

Me: hey

Diggy: hey......

Me: what's up

Diggy: well......I was wondering why you haven't texted of or called me after the......

I haven't contacted him since the date. That date was amazing & I loved every minute of it. I like Diggy & I wanted us to have a relationship. The thing is.......I found out I was preggo the next day. I wanted time to think.

Me: Diggy I like you a lot & the reason I haven't talked to you is because I had a lot of thinking to do

Diggy: about

Me: I found out I was pregnant with Roc's baby

Diggy: oh.....well I still wanna be with you

Me: Diggy I'm pregnant so......

Diggy: I don't care.....I'll still be there for you

Me: I care cause I don't want you with someone expecting a baby & it's not even yours

Diggy: ughh

Me: Diggy.......I wanna still be friends tho

Diggy: ok......that's good

I smiled & gave him a hug. Then went upstairs. Then it was another knock at the door. It's probably Diggy again.

Me: I'll be back again

I went downstairs & answered the door. It wasn't Diggy. It was someone in a mask. They had a whole at the back for their hair in a ponytail. That hair looks so familiar.

Me: ummm......

I tried closing the door back but they stuck their foot in the door.

??: hey, Tatiana

Me: who the f*ck are you

??: don't worry about that.....I'm just here for a little......payback

The person voice sounded so familiar. The person then took out 2 knives from behind them.

??: do you remember the knife in yo leg......well this one is going exactly where I wanted it the first time

Cya! She stabbed me in the thigh but had originally aimed for my stomach. Oh, no. Not my stomach. I instantly started to scream for Roc.

??: oh, sh*t.......

She in a hurry put both knives in my stomach

Me: ahhhhh

??: now who's the crazy one......paybacks a b*tch isn't it

Roc started running down the stairs. The thing room is in the back of the hall so I knew it was going to take him a while.

Roc: OMG, what happened

The girl had ran off before he came down.

Me: Roc, call the hospital......the baby

He called the ambulance & I was immediately rushed to the hospital.

After they did everything they could do sat there crying like crazy.

Roc: it's going to be ok

Me: no.......I lost the baby

Roc: I know, but we gonna make it through this

Me: I really wanted that was going to be my it's gone

He hugged me while I cried into his chest.

Roc: who did this

Me: I couldn't see the face but I know it was Cya

Roc: how do you know that

Me: the things she said

Roc: no, I've talked to her......she has changed

Me: Roc......I know it was her

Roc: but I was talking to her own the phone while you were downstairs.....look Cya has really changed

If they were on the phone when it happened then who could it be.

Me: then......who did it

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