chapter one

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The deep green stare was fixed on the lady in yellow laying on his couch. They had a party last night and somehow harry ended up with kendall on his couch in the morning. He usually never drinks. The management pissed him off last night and he had a few shots with nick and jeff. Jeff is his bestfriend. He has been there for him whenever he needs him.

Events of last night repeating in his head over and over again. All the while starting at the beauty laying infront of him. Theres a loose strand of hair on her face. He chuckles a bit and leans in with a fond smile to move the single strand of hair from her face.

He is deep in his thoughts when he realizes kendall is awake and he has been stroking her face for a few minutes. She has that innocent look on her face as she looks through her lashes. Harry blushes a bit and looks away.

"Hey" she whispers looking at her fiddling hands. Shes nervous. She has had boyfriends before but harry..... hes special.

"Hey" he replies in a small voice then clears his throat and immediately his deep raspy voice is back "why are you sleeping here?" He lets out a small chuckle "i mean i dont know how we even ended up at my place but " kendall stares at his beautiful smile with those two cute dimples while answering "You were too drunk and jeff insisted that i take you home"

"Slept alright? "

"Yes actually i had a beautiful dream. You were there with me. We went for a long walk along the beach of your private beach side house. It was just..... so nice and the sunset was marvelous. Felt so right. "

Harry clears his throat and says " well then well make that happen. You me beach and sunset on this Sunday?"

Her eyes widen "really? I mean you have a busy schedule. Also with the latest album coming up you sure you have time? I dont want to interrupt anything."

"I'll always make time for you ken" he has that soft smile that melts her heart. He gets up and says "but thats three days away for now we need some breakfast. You wanna join me and the boys for breakfast?"

"Sure. Where are we going?"

"Lou's place. We have something to discuss. "

"Okay" uncertainty in her voice is clearly visible. She's not very fond of louis. The rumors of him and harry dating are just growing day by day. She is not sure if they are just rumors but her and harrys relationship is raw they only have had 2 dates. She doesn't want to mess this up. Thats a question for later.

They shower Separately and take harrys car to drive to Louis's place. Harry plays various songs on their latest album for her and jokes "its an exclusive for you" with his cheeky cheerful smile as they drive down to Louis's place.

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