chapter three

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Friday passed like a blur and Saturday comes rolling in. Kendall is nervous for tomorrow. She is still a virgin. Though her sisters have given her all sex information they claim she needs she is anxious about tomorrow.

She has a expensive face mask on when she hears the clatter of plates from. She rolls her eyes and makes her way downstairs. Her mom and kylie are fighting. She takes a seat of the couch as her mom yells "kendall you better get this girl to remove the makeup. Its gonna ruin her skin if she keeps it up the whole day."

Kylie replies, well more like yells, " no i wont im practicing. I am going out with james tomorrow. The makeup stays." And just like that she storms out of the room. Her mother sighs and looks at kendall.  She raises her hands with wide eyes she replies "im innocent " she takes off to her room before her mother can start giving her relationship advice.

Once back in her room she enters her closet. Theres a bunch of new clothes she has to choose from. Her eyes scan all the possibilities in front of her and her mind goes 'black? No too shiny. Red? Too red. Yellow? No. Pink? Eh, no.' Amd before she realizes she ends up in her favorite boutique.


Around noon on that Saturday harry ends up in a writing session with louis. They haven't written a song together in forever just because fans will assume they wrote it for each other. But this is different now. Its harrys song louis is just helping him out. Plus its for his ex so they are hoping it wont fule the rumors any further.

They complete the song writing the same day and he is quite satisfied with the end result. Then the boys end up having lunch at liams place.

"So harry we are planning to watch a movie tomorrow. You wanna join us?" Niall asks him as the liam and louis are trying to figure out the best way to rip out the wooden flooring in liams house because he doesn't like it and his mother insists him keep them.

"Oh actually im a bit busy tomorrow. Some other day?"

"Oh busy boy huh? You dont have time for us ? Im SO sad. You are making me cry harry" niall says as he pretends to be hurt. Its failing miserably.

Harry rolls his eyes and says "shut up niall. Its just a date."

And suddenly theres a smirk on nialls face "ah a date huh, who is she? Also when are you taking me on a date harry ? I want food." Niall lifts his eyebrows suggestively and harry laughs out loud "mate its just kendall and no im NOT taking you on a date and you literally just had food."

"Harry are you doing something special for your lady?" Liam joins in as he and Louis finally decided its useless to remove the flooring. He should just buy another house.

"Uh.... i don't know? I haven't got anything planned yet actually. "

"Well then you should definitely do something special. Girls like that shit." Louis pipes in his opinion.

"Hmm I'll think of something."


The next day harry has it all planned. He reaches the beach house at 7 in the morning. He has ordered rose petals balloons and fragrant candles. He spends 3 hours decorating the whole house. He finds the results satisfying. He goes in to the bedroom and lies on the bed while he waits for kendall to arrive.


Kendall is in awe when she looks at the house. Its all roses and balloons. She's sure harry has no idea she's here. She walks towards the door with a happy and cheeky smile.

The front door is open so she walks in. She can hear harry humming some songs tune from the bedroom even though the door is closed. As she nears the door her heart starts beating louder and louder with each passing second. She takes a deep breadth before opening the door


Authors note: the next chapter contains mature content pls refrain from reading if it makes you uncomfortable. Hope you like the story so far <3

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