Chapter 2: Flight To Machus Ina Part 3

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After he'd finished his sketch of the girl, Ves spent the first 2 hours staring absentmindedly out of the window at the infinitely blue and lightly clouded sky. More than once, the hostess had asked if he needed anything like a refreshment or a snack, but each time he'd just shake his head or wave his hand a little and she'd return to her cabin at the back of the plane. After the third hour, she returned for what would be the fourth time.

"Mr. Asirin, sorry to disturb you but I've just gotten off the phone with Mr. Trent's Butler, Mr Cromweld. I thought I'd inform you that he has instructed us to pick up two more passengers. It appears the plane of two Mr. Marcoskys was not cleared for take-off so we will be stopping briefly in Ire Country to pick them up."

"Okay," Ves said with shrug.

The hostess smiled and walked off.

A few minutes later, the plane landed in Ire Country's capital city airport and the hostess left the plane. She returned with two teenage boys who looked almost exactly like each other than any two people Ves had seen.

"Mr. Asirin, meet the Macorsky twins, Anry and Andy," the hostess said introducing the teens.

"Hello," Ves greeted them with a little nod.

"What's up?" the first teen said with a grin as slumped down in his seat.

"How's it goin'?" the second teen said wiping at his nose with his thumb.

The Marcosky twins were 15 years old. Both shared the same kind of facial expressions, body language and gestures that proclaimed that they were unapologetically obnoxious, arrogant, proud and full of themselves. They had bright scarlet hair and wore black t-shirts that had the label 'Tycoon Insane' printed on them. The only visible differences the twins had between them were that one had long hair whilst the other's hair was shorter and spiky. One of them wore green cargo shorts with 'Anry' written vertically on the left side and the other wore red pants with 'Andy' on them. .

The twins stared at Ves with amused expressions on their faces. They seemed baffled by the fact that he didn't seem to recognise them.

"Boys, be nice to Ves. If you want anything just ask me," the hostess said.

"Really? 'Cause I want something already," Anry said.

"Oh, me too," Andy said.

"Could I have some booze?"

"Could I have some booze too? And would you care to join me?"

"Could I have your phone number or email instead?"

"Could you join me for dinner when I get back?"

"Could you be my girlfriend when I get back?"

"Could you marry me when I get back? ...Because I'm like really rich and stuff."

"I'm just as rich as he is and I'm even willing to have kids with you."

"Okay, I'm beat. Kids? That's a little too much for me ... but I guess it's okay with me if you're willing to have the kids live in a separate house and in another country... on another continent."

The hostess laughed, shook her head and walked off to her cabin.

"Oh yeah, she digs me," the twins said at the same time.

Anry turned to face Ves, who was absent-mindedly staring out of the window yet again.

"Ves Asa – Asai – Asirin, right?" he said, trying to pronounce Ves' name. "Like 'siren' only with an 'A' at the start. That's a strange name, isn't it? You must be the only living person with a name like that."

"True, true," Andy nodded in agreement.

"You of course have heard of us, right?"

"Not really," Ves said with a shrug.

"Not really?!"

"Not really, he says!"

The Macorsky twins laughed hysterically.

"You must be one of those ignorant people that don't watch TV," Andy said.

"Nevermind reading the papers and magazines," Anry added.

"I mean everyone in the world must know us! They use the very thing our late father and his company redesiged, redeveloped, innovated and took to the next level every damn day."

"Every damn time."

"They do...?" Ves said yawning.

"Of course. I suppose you yourself have used it," Anry said, sticking the gum he'd just spat under his seat.

"Or, at least, heard of it, if you're not that ignorant, that is," Andy said.

"And what would that be?" Ves said scratching his head.

"TCP/IP, little brother! The freaking Internet of course!" Anry said dramatically.

"...Internet? What's that?"

"Duh! The largest world network of computers. The most important thing in everyday life," Andy said.

Ves shrugged again and turned to look outside his window once more.

"Made billions, our dad," Andy said stretching himself.

"And then he got himself killed and left all that sweet cash to us," Anry said.

"We nearly died with him in that nasty accident."

"But we made it just fine and now we're the richest teens in the world."

"And the richest twins in the world."

The twins gave each other high-fives.

Just then the pilot stepped out of his cockpit and was heard mumbling, "I need to take a leak", as he disappeared into the back of the plane. The Macorsky twins suddenly sat up with wide grins on their faces.

"Dude, do you know what this means?" Andy said to his brother.

"Yeah, he must have left the plane on auto-pilot," Anry said.

"Which means this is an excellent time to try out our piloting skills,"

"But dude, we don't have any piloting skills,"

"I know."

Ves frowned. The twins cackled and ran off into the pilot's cockpit.

The thought of letting the hostess or the pilot know what the twins were up to never crossed Ves' mind. It was not because he wasn't the kind of person that ratted on people but because he figured such things had nothing to do with him. This time, he instantly regretted not taking any action...

The plane suddenly picked up speed and hurtled through the skies dangerously. Ves held onto his seat, gripping it tightly. The plane then took a sharp dive and Ves was thrown forward. He smacked against the plane's wall and slid to the floor as the plane began to level out again. Then it rose up just as fast, flipping Ves into the air and slamming him against the ceiling before he was tossed back to the floor.

As the plane levelled out again, the captain stormed out from the back and ran into the cockpit. The hostess, who came after him, helped Ves up and sat him back in his chair before entering the cockpit herself.

Thankfully, the plane slowed down and the hostess came out of the cockpit holding the Macorsky twins by their ears.

"That was wicked," Andy said.

"Totally," Anry said.

"That was very reckless of you two! We could have been killed if the pilot hadn't gotten into the cockpit in time!" the hostess snapped at them.

She put the twins back in their seats and sat down opposite them for the rest of the flight.

Ves picked up his scrapbook and pencil from the floor. He turned to an empty page and begun sketching the Macorsky twins with a nasty frown on his face. When he was done, he drew two zigzag symbols underneath their sketches. They were most definitely fiends.

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