Erics pov chapter 4

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I was flirting with this hot girl just a normal day she was new here we where at the surer store me and a bunch of freinds from my pack i am the alphas son so im pretty high up

"hey so do you want to come to my house babe i have 2 other sisters but im sure they will leave us alown" says the girl she had ginger hair and was pale but real hot

"sure babe what ever you want" i say hopeing to get lucky if you know what i mean we start to walk away when i hear some comotion i look over to see Kaden my beta and this girl

i only saw her back at first but i was for some reason drawn to her then i herd her growl it was strong which ment she has alpha blood then she turned and i saw her face she was the most beautiful girl i havd ever seen and my wolf whimpered at her site

we all started to circle her and i herd Kaden say somthing stuiped which made me want to kill him for talking to her like that then she looked over to me and the girl next to me the girl next to me cursed under her breath as the beauty walked twards us she was pissed

she grabbed the girl i was hoping to get lucky with and started to drag her but she fusted and started to growl and at that point the angered girl dropped her and she fell then the girl started to yell in the most beautiful voice

"Mom wants you home now" she said in a demanding voice the girl on the ground got up huffed and walked off I walked after her she was my date after all

"Hey where do you think your going I didn't even get a good by and who the hell was that back there" I say to the red head softly as she was unlocking her small car she jumped and turn to look at me

She smiled brightly "oh that was my sister but she is adopted so yeah she was a rouge my dumb ass dad found her and instead of dealing with her he adopted her now I barely get any attention she is such a bitch"

"Well why don't I give you some attention hu" I reply and we get in the back seat of her car but it just felt wrong kissing her so I stopped

" What....what's wrong" the girl asks and heck I didn't even know her name I just made out with the girl yet I don't know her name and all I can think about is her god damn sister what the hell is wrong with me

"I have to go its late I have to go" I say a little to quickly and get out of her car and run to mine and drive home once I get there I get out my truck and into my pack house it was big really big our pack had 348 adult members 16 and up once I'm in the house I go to kadens room and knock on the door

Karen opens the door only with pants on and a girl in his bed probably a slut or his mate if he found her

"What is it Eric I'm bussy I found my mate and she is waiting for me'' he growls in a annoyed tone I laugh almost like a hyena it was amusing he found his mate now I wonder if it is one of the new girls

"Sorry but did you check out the new family I know there are 3 girls I got to talking to one of them'' I say with a smirk the frown I don't know why but kissing that girl was just repulsive

''Well I know that 2 of them are adopted and that one of them is hot and I mean hot with her golden wavy hair and she had abbs in fact she had a six pack a girl she dislocated my arm when I grabbed her and she has alpha blood and the girl her ' sister' the one you where talking to is the real daughter to her dad and he is coming to meet us tonight so go leave me alone and get readdy" he said quickly then closed the door

I went to my room got dressed casual then the door rang so I went and awnserd it when I opened the door a large man strongly built was standing there

"Hi I'm so post to meat the alpha" he said in a deep imposing voice I step aside and he walked in and fallowed me to my dads office I nocked on the door

''Come in and Luke if its you you can just leave'' I chuckle a little to myself as I walk in and the man behind me fallows

''Hi dad this is the male father rouge he has come to talk'' I say my father looks up from his papers and puts his cold blue eyes on the man then me then the man again

"Hello alpha I'm Dillon and im here cause I was asked to come by your beta Kaden why'' the man Dillon asks looking straight at my father

''Yes well you are new in the area and I would like to know your intentions why are you here do you have a family do you have a mate are you here to join my pack or are you just passing through'' my father asks annoyed he was not informed of this visit

''I was hopeing to join your pack I have a mate and three daughters two of them are adopted but they are all were wolfs we plan to stay here'' the man awnsers and still just looks at my dad

''OK you may join but you will be watched and you have to move into our territory there is a house as nice as yours on this property so you can be close plus you will need to get close to us'' my father replied

''Dose you house have a private gym and work out station'' the man asks and I look at him dumdfounded by his request my father also looks at him

''Why do you ask do you not think we will train have a old gym for all to share'' my father asks now a little mad at his dumb question

''The gym is not for me but for two of my daughters or more for just one of my daughter she has scars on her and she is uncomfortable training with others and she has anger problems and will not back down from a fight we like to think its because of her alpha blood and her past but she won't tell us'' the man finishes

''We all train at 4 pm so she can train at any other time and she will have to get comfortable with us and so one of my pack members will go with her so I will assigne my son to watch the two who will not train with the others'' he says looks at me then continues ''and there time to train will be at 5:30 when our time ends son you will train with the girl now you are both dissmised'' he looks back to his papers

I take Dillon out and he drives off and I enter my room take a quick shower then go to sleep.

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