•Chapter one•

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•Y/n's POV•
"Please! Please! Please!" Mallory and Georgie begged
"IT'S POURING OUT GUYS!" I snapped getting annoyed with the amount of times they repeated themselves
"I-if We make you b-boats, will you promise not to talk to strangers, and to stay out the m-middle of the road" Bill said pulling out two pieces Kami paper.
Georgie and Mallory grinned and enthusiastically shook their heads yes, making their hair bounce up and down. Bill smirked and started folding the pieces.
"Are you sure you can't play too billy?" Georgie said in a semi whining tone
"I'm s-sick"
"No you are not!" Georgie was right. Bill was fine he just didn't want to go outside right now.
"Y-you didn't see the v-vomit coming out of my nose"
"EW" Georgie and Mallory said in sync. Me and Billy couldn't help but chuckle a bit.
"Go get the w-wax from the cellar" Bill said finishing the last fold in the boat.
Georgie and Mallory gulped and looked at each other.
"Go on now"
They began creaking down the hallway down to the cellar. I got up and made my way to my bag pulling out a large book of stamps.
"Hand me Mallorys boat" I said reaching over from Bills bed to his desk.  He passed me the boat brushing his fingers against mine. His hands were so soft and warm. I flipped through the pages in my book looking for a stamp I though Mal might like, finally I came across one with a big jack o lantern and remembered how festive Mal had been this October and peeled it off.
"Need the m-marker" bill offered
I smiled and grabbed it from him writing "Mal" in big cursive letters. I smiled at the boat and help it out for Bill and he smiled and took it back.
Suddenly we heard two pairs of little feet rush up the stairs panting.
"Good you escaped from the boogie man" I smirked 
"Or the g-giant s-snake" bill added
"Stooooop" Mal and Georgie whined cringing in the inside
A few moments later
Bill was focused on the wax and as he finished the last finishing touches on Georgies boat, they put their boots and rain coats on.
"She's already " bill smirked
As bill gave George a lesson I gazed at how gentle he was with his brother.
"Alright guys you know the rules" I said escorting them to the bedroom door.
We watched them run down the side walk as the ducked under one sign and bash their heads on the next. I couldn't help but chuckle
"You think their ok?"
"Th-their fine"

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