Chapter 3...

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Delilah pov

My master who was supposedly meant to be my mom had told me last night she'd be dropping me off at some town I've never even heard of. Some boarding school, atleast I'd be away from her, well now i was packing my luggage and i was unexplainably excited.
Next morning, i was up earlier made my master's food hid a few snacks in my bag and waited for her.
Connor pov
My wolf had been bugging all morning since we got to school he was excited and i was feeling very uneasy. Anyways as i made my way to Calculus class, Alessandro joined me. "Whatsup dude, you look weird." "Yh thanks, i feel very un----" that smell i started running and i could tell Aless wasn't far behind and then i found myself at the Secretary's Office, She was, beautiful her long black hair, those blue captivating eyes i almost growled at the fact that she showed her legs but she was human, i wouldn't be able to approach her immediately. Looking up to find, Aless already by her side and THEY. WERE. LAUGHING. ALREADY. WHAT. IN .THE. ACTUAL. F****.
"Dude she's my mate." He looked at me then back at her in adoration then back at me and said. "Bro, do i look like i give a f*** she's mine so even if she's your mate stay away from her and us." Grabbing her hands he barged into my shoulders and walked away i would have fought him right there and then but it would to terrify her then she'd be further away from me. Well shit, cause he wasn't going to take away what was mine..
Alessandro Pov
She was very adorable, i dont think I've ever felt that way about anyone hell i was nervous to talk to her. Approaching her i said "H-hey i'm Alessandro but you can call me Aless or whatever you want." "Erm okay i'm Delilah."
Her voice could urghhh i dont even know. "Why do you look like you're going to die any minute from now." I was about to say you when Connor dragged me aside.
Present time.
"Here's your class mi amor feel free to call anytime you want." She raised her eyebrows and said "I'm supposed to scream your name through the whole school." "Oh sorry erm don't worry I'll find you." And with that i winked and left.
Delilah Pov
Well i was off to a good start but i didn't think I'd have a crush on my first day. I mean Alessandro was a good guy he was my friend and I'm pretty sure he wanted to be more than friends but..... the other guy in which i didnt know his name was soooo dreamy his hair was rough but it still looked okay, His muscles tighte----- stop it Delilah Bad lilah Bad.
"Miss Adair, care to tell us the last thing i said" "Oh okay erm the last thing you said was 'mrs Adair care to tell us the last thing i said.' The whole class erupted in laughter not at me but at Mr Anderson.
Well shit, i had one enemy now. If only i knew i had many more to come it was just the beginning. A lot had passed and i must tell myself how overjoyed i am that we finally get to go to the cafeteria i heard from my new bestfriend Rhea that we get ice-cream on a daily basis and i must tell you that is not something we get everyday at my old school. "Lilah, over here you have to see this." she screamed from the other side of the door where the Cafeteria door was. Eager to see what was going on i hastened my walking speed, on getting there it was not what i expected to see Aless and the other guy were in a serious fight. "isn't anyone going to stop this." "No one can anyone who tries has a death wish anyways is not their first time of fighting so just enjoy the show." "Well if no one is going to stop it then i will." "lil--- ehn suit yourself." i heard her say and that was exactly what i was going to do. Walking over to them, I stood in the middle of both of them and yelled stop the other guy did however Aless didn't instead he mustered all the strength he had in him and pushed me to the side make me trip on my shoes i ended hitting my heard on something real hard and the last  i saw before darkness welcomed me into its humble abode was Aless running Away.

Connor POV..

Earlier today at the Cafeteria, my plan was to rile Aless up so he'd fight me and when my lilah came he'd look like the bad guy so while was getting his food i saw him grab a second tray, i waited for him to wait his effort by putting all the necessary food he thought she'd like to eat in it and when he was done i walked over and smacked lilah's food onto the ground, him being typical Aless of course started a fight, his fighting skills were just as good as mine so he was able to land a punch on my nose and a few other places. I n the middle of our fight, i noticed a figure walking over to us but when that figure got closer i really didn't like what i was seeing it was lilah when did even get here. As she got she closer i was utterly surprised by what she did i mean she stood in between two fighting beings not even afraid of getting hurt and i was even more surprised when she yelled stop i did but unfortunately Alessandro didn't instead he pushed her with very strong force to the side making her hit her head on one of the Cafeteria's metal table  with a loud bang before i could teach him a lesson he ran away like the coward he was. I looked back to lilah and she wasn't in a very good state she was unconscious and blood was gushing out of her head while her friend Rhea tried to tie her head band around the Injury. I carried her and rushed to the nurse's office while keeping her head pressed against my chest to reduce the amount of blood flowing out.

Looking down at her she was very pale my blood was boiling in my veins, my wolf wanted revenge but he wasn't going to get it yet we had to save my lilah first.

Getting to the nurse's office, she looked at lilah and was shocked for some time but recovered from her shock and immediately came to attend to her luckily she was a certified nurse so she knew what she was doing. "Young man , you're going to need to step out." i did exactly as she said and stepped out hopefully Aless and i don't cross paths anymore today cause if we did shit was going to go down.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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