Expect The Unexpected

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I am insane.

Yep, that's the only conclusion I can come up with for being here, climbing into his 23rd floor hotel room.

I swung my legs over the window sill and silently shut the glass back in it's place.

When I turned around from the window I was surprised to find him awake. And staring right at me.

"Did you just climb 23 stories?" his voice sounded amazed.

I shrugged and he let out a dry chuckle, "Of course you did. Really, I should stop being so surprised when it comes to you."

I tilted my head to the side and inspected his calm, controlled expression. "What?"

I walked farther into the room and sat down at one of the arm chairs. "You seem so... calm. Do you realize that you were seconds away from dying tonight?"

Once again he amazed me by shaking his head, "No. You were with me. I knew I was going to be alright."

My eyes subconsciously widened. I was just about to say something when I heard a click outside the room.

I tilted my head to hear better and looked up to see that Viktor was about to speak.

I stood and pressed a finger to my mouth. He nodded and dove under the covers to pretend to sleep. I went to the bed and gave him a syringe.

He wrapped it in his hand and closed his eyes.

I wanted to smile at his theatrics but I heard the click again. Someone was picking the locks.

I took out my gun from inside my combat boots and hide inside the closet just when the door swung open.

Through a crack in the closet door I watched as two of Giordano's men stormed into the room.

"Get up, American." Viktor popped up from under the covers with a fake groggy expression that made me want to laugh."Whaa?"

"Get up!" this time Viktor stood, rather slowly.

"Okay, I'm up. Now what?" One man raised his gun in the air and I silently exited the closet.

"And now you both die." The men spun around when they heard my voice. Their shocked expressions told me they never suspected that I was an assassin. Not like Stefano had.

The men didn't even move since they were still processing that I was a spy. And pointing a gun at them.

I nodded at Viktor and he jumped forward to stab one of them with the syringe.

The man fell to his knees and his partner fired at Viktor once before I kicked his gun out of his grasp.

The man looked up at me with a smug look in his eyes. "I never did believe Stefano. I guess he was right. You are just a lying bitch--"

My eyes widened when Viktor came forward and punched the man hard on the jaw. "Don't talk to her like that."

The man laughed sarcastically and opened his mouth to speak when I shot him in the chest. He dropped down and I stepped around him to reach his partner. "Have you got something to tie him up with?"

Viktor seemed deep in thought but suddenly he shook his head as if to clear it. "Y-yeah. Like I carry around a tying-people-up kit."

I threw my head back and laughed before getting up and looking around the room for something that would work.

After tying the man up with a scarf and the cords of an alarm clock and a hairdryer, I slapped him across the face. "Wake up."

The man's eyes slowly opened and took in his surroundings. "M-miss Bella?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2013 ⏰

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