Vengeance Part 16

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The rose was in full bloom, it's petals a deep crimson burgundy. Enchanted by its rare beauty, Neoma reached out to pluck it and gasped in pain as thorns stabbed into her fingertips. Before she could attend to the wounds, Hwanwoong took her hand and placed her bleeding fingers to his lips. His cold green eyes radiating with hatred.

Neoma woke up from the dream with a start. Her throat was burning, and her head and her heart were pounding in unpleasant unison. Groaning, she sat up to find the bed and the chamber empty. Leedo was nowhere to be found.

Glancing towards the door, Neoma felt a rush of relief as Leedo discreetly entered carrying various items. Glancing up, Leedo looked surprised to see that she was awake, 'Did you sleep well?' he asked softly. Neoma attempted a smile, ' I'm sorry Leedo, I feel very unwell, my head and my throat are so painful.' Leedo placed the items down on the bed and sat next to her placing his large hand on her head. 'You are feverish' he explained, his tone gentle and reassuring, 'it is symptoms of withdrawal.' Neoma looked at him questioningly. Leedo smiled with sympathy, 'I'm sorry Neoma, I should have warned you, your body needs to adapt to the animal blood.' Neoma recoiled as she remembered the blood bath.

'Leedo, I don't think I can survive the way you do' she protested. Leedo cut her off, 'It's alright Neoma, I have brought some for you to drink.' As he spoke, he took a bottle from the items he had brought and poured the thick syrupy rose coloured liquid into an ornate crystal glass. 'Here' he offered helpfully, handing her the goblet. Responding to her thirst, Neoma took a large gulp and immediately gagged. 'I'm so sorry Leedo' she sputtered, 'this is making me feel worse.' Leedo nodded sensitively and delicately removed the glass from her hands. 'It will take time' he said. 'Perhaps this will help you to feel a little better' he suggested, unravelling the bundle of fabric he had brought with him.

Neoma watched in wonder as Leedo revealed her lilac dress in perfect condition. 'I cant believe it!' gasped Neoma in astonishment, 'I thought it was destroyed.' Pleased with her response, Leedo smiled broadly, 'Xion mended it, he is very skilled.' Neoma reached out, enchanted, she stroked the soft and familiar fabric. Suddenly, she recalled her night with Hwanwoong, their love and his demon, an exquisite agony. Neoma quickly withdrew her hand, burnt by the memories. 'What's wrong?' asked Leedo with concern. Not wishing to seem ungrateful, or to hurt Leedo or Xion's feelings, Neoma responded, 'It's the withdrawal' she lied, 'I still don't feel very good.'

Leedo gazed at her curiously and nodded again. 'That's understandable, rest for now' he began, placing the dress at the bottom of the bed and sitting down beside her, 'I have a meeting with the others, but I will return as soon as it is concluded.' He promised. Neoma felt her heart sink wretchedly, she wasn't feeling well and she really didn't want to be left alone with her memories. 'Leedo, please don't go' she pleaded, flinching at the neediness in her tone. 'I won't leave you Neoma' he reassured, 'I would never leave you, the meeting is needed to keep you safe.'

Leedo lent in closely, his face a centimetre from hers, 'I will return as soon as it is finished' he reassured with gentle firmness, 'I promise.' Neoma scanned his face and reached out and held the back of his head, 'Make sure that you do' she whispered, before gently placing her lips on his. Leedo's mouth responded immediately and the pair began frantically kissing. Leedo reluctantly pulled away, 'I will run there and back' he promised, a mixture of lust and determination on his face. He tenderly kissed Neoma's hand before swiftly leaving. Neoma felt her heart ache at his departure.

Leedo was as good as his word and ran quickly to the chateaux, taking the stairs two at a time as he reached the Monarchs study. On entering, Leedo observed his brothers all seated solemnly around the table, with the exception of Keonhee who sat at the window gazing out into the night. Keonhee turned to greet him, 'I'm glad you made it Leedo, but you really didn't need to run' he said with humour. Leedo shrugged, 'It is important, I felt it was necessary..' he trailed off, aware of all eyes placed on him. 'At least you are dressed correctly' said Keonhee, looking pointedly at Ravn. Leedo sat down, frowning with puzzlement. He observed as a muscle twitched in the side of Ravn's statuesque face.

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