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People really PISS me off,
1. They throw around hurtful words like their nothing and have fun, while their victim may be at home with a rope necklace or taking out the shiny metal they hide in their room. People don't realise what the hell they are doing, I went on Safari looking at images of Amanda Todd for my stories, and gues what I found? A whole f*****g page dedicated to Amanda saying things like " forever a whore" or "Yay she's finally dead" with pictures of guys drinking bleach with the words " am I Amanda Todd now?" Or Amanda's head on a bleach bottle or her holding bleach and a knife saying stuff like " bleach tastes good" and " it feels like a massage cutting your wrists" well you know what? F THISE UNGRATEFUL LITTLE B****ES THEY DONT KNOW WHAT ITS LIKE TO FEEL WORTHLESS, UGLY, FAT, THEY DONT CRY THEMSELVES TO SLEEP EVRY NIGHT OR WISH THAT WHEN THEY GO TO SLEEP THEY WONT WAKE UP AGAIN? I hate them, they don't know what it's like. I'm going to go into middle school and if I see someone getting bullied who doesn't deserve it I will stand up for them, even if the bully is older than me, I'll tell the teacher plus if they try to hurt me or insult me, they get a war, I'm good with quick comebacks and I am small and can dodge or use my ninja skills, btw I took karate, gymnastics and ballet, so I'm flexible. I also can carry people on my back and crawl under the monkey bars with them on my back and swim under water with older brother my back, plus I get pissed easily and have SLIGHT anger issues from bieng around my brother and other boys so much.

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