Run Away With Me

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Dream x Reader

Kindom AU

Premise: You're a princess (y/n) in love with a poor man (Dream). You're father doesn't want you with him so you run away together.

It's a beautiful day. The sun is shining brightly. You are planning on sneaking out to see your lover, Clay. You have been seeing each other for over a year now, unbeknownst to your father, who is also the king. This wouldn't have been a problem if you weren't the princess, but Clay was poor. Your father wanted you to be wed to a prince from another kindom. That is why you had to keep your relashionship secret.

You climb out through your window, like any other time you would meet up. You carefully make your way out of the castle's walls, making sure to not be seen by the guards. You then make your way to a flower field. That was always your place to meet up. For that is where you met.

You spot Clay. Sitting in the field of endless color. He is too busy looking at butterflies to notice you're there. You sneakily make your way over to him and cover his eyes. "Guess who." you whisper in his ear. "Let me guess.", he pretends to think. "Is it.... y/n?" he playfully guesses. You gasp "How'd you know?" you giggle, taking your hands off his eyes. "Lucky guess." he smirks, turning around to face you. He pulls you into a hug and kisses your forehead. "How are you today?" you ask. "Better now that I'm with you." he says. "You're so sappy Clay." you playfully roll your eyes. "Oh come on, you know you love me." he remarks. "Hmm I don't know." you reply, laughing. He gasps. "How dare you. I'm gonna get you for that." he says. "Oh no" you giggle, starting to run through the field. Colors blurring past as you run. "C'MERE Y/N!" he shouts. "AHHHH" you scream as you turn around to see he's right behind you. He grabs you by the waist. "Haha got you." he whispers in your ear.

You've been there for half an hour. Just talking about life and being enjoying eachother's presense. It was calm until you're interupted by shouting. You turn around to see the head guard. Your face immediatly goes pale. You're frozen in place. The guard walks over to Clay. You're still frozen as the guard grabs Clay by the arm. "WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THE PRINCESS!" he shouts. "I-" Clay stutters. You snap out of it and quickly plead "Please let him go he did nothing wrong. Blame me if anything." The guard looks at you. "What are you doing with someone like him." the guard says, giving Clay a disgusted look. "He.. he is my boyfriend. We've been together for a year. Please don't tell my father." you say quietly. "I will be telling your father about this y/n." the guard hissed. He takes Clay awa, back to the palace. To be put in the dungeons.

You sit there thinking about what just happened. You were comepletly in shock. You start crying. You eventually calmed down after 20 minutes. "I have to break him out. We have to get out of here." you think.

~Time skip to night~

The sun had set a few hours ago. It was time. You put on one of the maids dresses and a cloak so it would be harder to recognize you. You carefully slip out of your room, making your way down the halls and to the dungeons. You search through them until you see him. Just sitting there. The moonlight reflecting off of his bright green eyes. "Wow", you think to yourself. You walk over to his cell. "Psst! Clay!" you whisper-yell. "Y/n?" he says, quite loudly. "Shhh quiet down there are still guards patrolling y'know." you whisper. "Ok but what are you doing here. How did you get here without being caught?" he questions. "We're getting you out of here. We can go live our life without having to worry. Clay... run away with me." you whisper, with a slight grin on your face. "You're crazy.... I'm in." he replies.

You get him out of the cell since you grabbed a key on your way down. You both slowly make your way down the halls, towards the back exit. After almost getting caught a few times, you make it. Now you have to get out of the castle's walls. You stay amongst the shadows. Heading towards the closest gate. You make it. You walk out, onto the dirt road, thinking you were safe. "HEY!" someone shouts from the distance. "Run." you whisper.

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