My turn

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So, in the last chapter. I was asking you questions. Now I will vent about random and annoying things, or just how I hate.. what's it called.. OH YEA ✨EMOTIONS✨! They are so annoying. Nvm imma just start.

I was reading a drarry fanfic called,"the boy next door" and I was liking it quite a bit. And I was one chapter 1a or 10. And I nearly cried. The reason why is because, not only was it so sad I had a  silent mental breakdown... but my dumb self was listening to "🌧agoraphobic🌧 10 hours" by corpse husband. And (I need to stop using and but proceed) my parents are in the living room. I am in the kitchen which isn't to far from it and they can see my facial expressions. So if I cry they will most likely ask as to why. However, I can not HANDLE that because then at that point I know that I will be past fixing. I will just fall apart and will have no filter. When this happens, I say things I mean instead of thinking them. Like usual no one will have the answers to these questions and they do not deserve to go down the same spiraling hole of fear to how to find the answers. Wow I am typing a lot! 😂 Sorry. I didn't realize how much I typed. Again I apologize for saying so much.

I rarely ever type as much as I have just done. But anyway 👁👄👁. Umm... there isn't much left soo. Now I will list all the anime's I have started, weather they are finished or not. In the order I watched them. 

Inuyasha, My hero Academia, Naruto, Your lie in April,  Oruan Host Club, Hikyyu, Attack on Titan, Love Is War, Voltron, Promised Neverland, and lastly BNA. 

Okie bye little babies 😽! Stay safe, stay happy, stay calm, and stay awsome ❤️❤️❤️❤️! 

(And I would like you to comment your favorite anime, if you don't watch anime you can comment your favorite song or artist)

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