Chapter four

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School went by in a blur. I could hardly pay attention in any class, let alone english. I didn't even let myself look in Mr. Harris' direction. Afraid that he may see through my disguise, and I don't want anyone to pity me for my own stupidity. 

Jon messaged me right as I was walking out of school, letting me know him and his friends were gonna be out of town. He said he wouldn't be home until tomorrow night. I was relieved as I hurried to find Maggie. I really needed a friend, and even though Jon made me push her away, she was still the best friend I had.

I couldn't find Maggie, so I headed to the coffee shop down the street, deciding to get some coffee before messaging Maggie about hanging out.

I sat down with my coffee and started daydreaming of what life would be like if I could get away from Jon's tight grip. Suddenly I heard a voice I was sure I knew. I turned around to see Mr. Harris getting a coffee. I immediately turned around hoping he didn't see me, but it was already too late, as he was walking over to my table.

"May I sit down?" He questioned.

"Ye-yes!" Why would he want to sit with me? I wondered.

"You seemed very distracted in class today. Are you sure everything is ok?" He was looking into my eyes with concern, but I shivered as I felt he was looking into my soul.

"I am fine." I say quietly as I start to look out the window.

He started to place his hand on mine as a sort of comfort, and it was a brief warmness, as I suddenly pulled away. 

"I'm sorry." He said. "I just want you to know that I will listen, if you need someone to talk to" A slight smile appeared on his angelic face. For a second, I wondered why he would care so much about me. My thoughts cut off by him. "Can I give you a ride somewhere?"

I slightly nodded my head yes, then we got up from our seats and headed for his car.

James POV

I opened the car door for Taylin, and give her a gentle smile. I really hope I can get her to open up to me. She seems so distant from her friend, and from her school work. I can see slight bruising on her face. The thought of someone hurting her furiates me. I want to help her, but how do I let her know I can.

"Where do you live?" I ask her, as we start driving down the road.

"I don't want to go home." She says where I can barely hear her.

"Where do you want to go?" 

"Honestly I'm not sure. There really isn't a safe place for me to go." She hurriedly covers her mouth as I can tell she regrets those words coming out of her mouth.

"I have a spare bedroom, if you want it, it is yours." I smile to lighten the mood.

"I can't intrude on you!" She nearly shouts.

"I promise you wouldn't be. I would definitely give you space, and you would have your own bathroom."

I can see a calmness overtake her beautiful face, and she smiles a bright smile. 


We finally pull into his driveway and I am amazed. He lives in an amazing farm house and I can see acres of land as far as I can see.

"This is your house?" I eagerly say.

"Yes." He chuckles, as his blue eyes slightly look in my direction. 

As we walk inside, it is so simply setup, but organized. 

"I can help you around the house." I sputter.

"No, there is no need to. I want you to feel comfortable. Are you hungry?" 

"Not right now. I would like to just get started on my school work."

"Let me show you your room then."

We walk up the stairs, and down a short hallway. He shows me my room, then says he will leave me to it.

There is a bed with the fluffiest white comforter I have ever seen. I walk over and fall back on the bed, as warmth and peace overtake me. For once Jon had no clue where I was. No one did, but this dreamy blue eyed teacher, who had seemed to become a safe haven. I smile as I slip into a peaceful sleep.

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