p r o l o g u e

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I'm not even kidding I had the weirdest day at school today. My friend thinks the toilets haunted.


"Stay close, Cal" my sister, Mali-Koa said holding me behind her as we watched the walkers pass, carrying dead bodies. It was disgraceful.

"Run!" She hissed as we sprinted to the tree house, but I was followed and tapped on the shoulder by a boy my age, which was 12 at the time.

"Please, my parents are dead" he cried. I didn't really have a choice, so I grabbed his arm and pulled him into the little house before pulling up the ladder, just in time, before the walkers looked around.

"Calum!" Mali spat, gesturing towards the blonde. aired boy. "Please..." He whispered, obviously hoping for somewhere to hunt, stay, get fed etc.

"Mali I don't see why we have to watch o-" I spoke to soon, because Mali was pulled down by an arm in a black leather suit. "Up" I whispered to the boy, and we climbed out the opposite window, into the branches of the tree.

I let a tear fall as the red haired boy held me back, covering my mouth as I watched the men shove Mali into a truck.

"Shhh Cal shhh.." He whispered soothing, hugging me close. I cried for hours on end, waiting until daytime.


Six years later, was when it all happened.

The blonde boy I'd met was named Michael Clifford, and he very quickly became near to being my brother.

We were out hunting, when we came across five different voices. One of which I took a strong interest in.

"We're not using Max as bait!" The one with an angelic voice said, and I glanced at Michael, who glanced back.

"Why not? He's six so he's only six years importance of your life." One of the colder, ruder ones said. ' Your my boyfriend your supposed to side with me! Actually no, guess what? We're done. C'mon max, ash..." the angel spat, before leaves were heard as if he'd left. Me and Michael followed the angel, until we came to the edge of a road, where there was a house with a large door. We crept forward, and ambushed them from behind. "Give us the bag" I growled, pointing my bow at the blonde and blue eyed one. Michael drew his crossbow, aiming at the older looking one, who also had a bag. "Max... Stay behind Lukey..." the older one whispered, rising both his hands as if they were going to protect him.

He wasn't the angel, so I was aiming at the angel. I wanted to lower my bow, but that was the wrong thing to do.

"Go!" The older one yelled, and I got pinned to the floor by another person, only to hear a smack before black blobs covered my vision.

ta da
Sorry if it's a bit rushed, I wrote this exempt quickly at 5am the other day so :-/

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