Part 10

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Zodiac signs as feelings:

Aries : Sudden change in emotions that scares everyone

Taurus : Neediness for love all the time. They feel like they are alone .

Gemini : Envy that makes them do cutting and stuff. It's not their fault.

Cancer : Emotional ( crying and stuff) . They scream in pain and throw objects .

Leo: Too much energy( kinda mad )or no energy( in a scary way)  that makes them do things they regret. 

Virgo : Having that serious face and that feeling of just punching a wall  especially when someone disagrees . It's kinda difficult to explain .

Libra : Acting like you are strong when you are breaking inside especially when people misunderstand them.

Scorpio : Not being able to express emotions which makes people think you are a blank wall.

Sagittarius : Regret . Feeling like you did everything wrong when it was not just you. This causes you to not sleep for days.

Capricorn : They are not the people who will cry when you hurt them , they will smile like an evil snake and then you know you are dead . I am talking about the feeling of just pushing someone from the cliff, even themselves.  The feeling of feeling like it's enough ,now I am just gonna take a gun and kill each and every human being.

Aquarius : The feeling of missing someone even though there is no someone or maybe there is  and you don't know. This makes you restless.

Pisces: The feeling of just being like I don't care anymore cause like you cared for so many years and BAM !! nothing happened . This feeling makes you feel like you are the rude or  mean one but you are not .

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